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when you buy a new computer, laptop, is it hard to set it up and to get it working?

I know stores offer this service, but could someone do this themselves?

would it be hard to do? I would need simple, easy instructions on

how to set up a new laptop and to get it working. thank you.

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It comes with on screen instructions that are pretty easy to follow.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If you want a Windows device that's reliable, fairly secure, and smooth operating, there are many things that must be done; otherwise you get the 'default' Windows settings, and those are almost without exception loosely configured to permit untrained users to go on the 'Net with no hassles.

    It is that mentality that has lead to the millions of Windows machines being compromised when taken to the 'Net.

    Unless you know what you're doing, get someone who actually knows what the heck is going on to set things correctly. This process takes the better part of 8 hours, so don't expect a 10 minute 'set-up' like you'd get at the 'big box' stores.

    If you intend to use it on the 'Net, you must become a security's that simple.

  • 7 years ago

    There is little to do on most laptops and the type that do need initial setup have very good and easy instructions.

    Actually, a computer slowly changes to fit your needs as you gradually add and or change settings to customize it. Learn as you go. Just use caution and read online about features before you change them.

  • 7 years ago

    Any brand new computer now-a-day is a ready-to-go item. I do have an advice. Before you operate it, install your printer, and other software before back up the system. Having done this, in the future, if you need to restore or format your hard drive for any reason, you do not have to re-install your software again.

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  • 7 years ago

    no no no do not pay them to set it up. It is so easy, just enter your name and that's about it, It is very easy just follow the steps.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    XXXXXXXXX Snipersxxxxxxxx

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