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Lv 5
B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Why do democrats care more about Chinese business than they do about American business?

9 Answers

  • Big K
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Democrats hate America, that's why they've gotten so angry and personal over the Bundy standoff, he's a cowboy who works a ranch in the desert, that's the core of the American "mythology", it strike a chord with real Americans and it makes liberals angry.

    Attachment image
  • 7 years ago

    Public land is exactly that: Land owned by the public.

    As such, Bundy's trespassing and illegal grazing is a crime against each and every US citizen.

    Bundy's supporters clearly must be retarded.

    There's no other word to describe people who support a criminal that's been committing crimes against them instead of the government defending them by enforcing the law on that criminal.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    First of all, you seem to have no idea what liberals like or believe. I addressed you here:


    Secondly, you're funny when you answer my question about lying with one of the lies I was talking about! I'm going to guess you didn't bother to read my question.

    Why do conservatives continue to post falsehoods about Obamacare?

    Recent posts, for instance:

    "So then, health care and insurance becoming MORE expensive because of the ACA isn't worth fighting against?" [not true, according to the latest CBO report, which shows just the opposite]

    "It is a horrible law that the majority of America STILL doesn't want." [according to the latest reliable polls, a majority of Americans are now in favor of it, even Republicans.]

    "the deciding vote called the ACA a tax, exactly what it is." [Wrong again! They called THE PENALTY for not signing up a tax, not the law itself.] [HERE YOU ARE]

    I'm going to challenge conservatives to teach themselves how to fact-check on reliable websites. I can recommend a few if you'd like:


  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Why do republicans care more about Canadian oil companies than they do American families and American businesses?

    The ONLY difference between the two stories is that the Americans in MY post actually own their land.....or did before republicans demanded that they be forced to hand over their privately owned land to a foreign oil company. Your guy doesn't even recognize the federal government and has failed to pay for land usage for 22 years.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Harry Reid and his son will make more millions.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Democrats are scum who only care about power and progress, not morals and personal values.

  • 7 years ago

    cause their liberals!! America means nothing to them!! everyone and anyone woe's are more important than their own back yards!! as long as the worlds back yard is green, so what if theirs is brown!!

  • lol... you can't break the law... even if you're an American business...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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