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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Why do conservatives continue to post falsehoods about Obamacare?

Recent posts, for instance:

"So then, health care and insurance becoming MORE expensive because of the ACA isn't worth fighting against?" [not true, according to the latest CBO report, which shows just the opposite]

"It is a horrible law that the majority of America STILL doesn't want." [according to the latest reliable polls, a majority of Americans are now in favor of it, even Republicans.]

"the deciding vote called the ACA a tax, exactly what it is." [Wrong again! They called THE PENALTY for not signing up a tax, not the law itself.]

I'm going to challenge conservatives to teach themselves how to fact-check on reliable websites. I can recommend a few if you'd like:

9 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not conservatives, Republicans. The GOP has chosen a policy of 100% Obama-opposition. The Republicans have occupied the White House for so much of the last few decades that they see it as THEIR house, and when a Democrat gets elected president they feel a great injustice has been done, that their property has been stolen from them.

    When this happens, their entire agenda comes down to getting back into control. This means opposing the president with every gram of their strength. This is nothing new--they treated Clinton the same way! In Obama's case, it means total opposition to Obamacare because that is Obama's major achievement, the thing he'll be remembered for. They desperately want to make Obamacare fail so they can make Obama fail, or at least for him to be seen as a failure.

    The Republicans know that if anything positive is achieved through bipartisan cooperation the president gets most of the credit for bringing the parties together. So they've decided that bipartisanship is just not gonna happen, even if it's for things they want themselves! Because what they -really- want is to get back into power.

    When the Republicans say that 70% of Americans didn't want Obamacare (but he 'shoved it down our throats' anyway) they're being a little disingenuous. They're adding the 30% of Americans who thought Obamacare went too far to the 40% who didn't think it went far enough. The most popular solution with Americans, in poll after poll, is a single payer plan. I think single payer is inevitable, and I think we all see it at some level. Those of us who approve of Obamacare see it as only a good start, a first step, and of course that worries the Republicans even more.

  • 7 years ago

    You can try twisting your numbers and mediamatters "facts" all you want, and repeat your lies so many times you actually believe them yourself, but the truth is our costs and our deductibles and the numbers of doctors unable to take new patients and the numbers of hospitals not covered are ALL going UP.

    It was a bad bill, far too big, far too damaging, full of payola and pork and exemptions for friends and waivers and bribes. To ANY rational and honest person, it is a disaster...not that that applies to a democrat.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    If the Supreme Court calls it a tax in order to allow it then that's what I'm going to call it too. R or D be damned. Not to difficult to understand with a taxpayer funded degree is it?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because the truth is reality and they don't do reality.

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  • chris
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    The 8 milliom obama said yesterday is......

    All prisoners in the USA.?

    Illegals in California. ?

    Normal Americans are not buying obama's B/S.

    OBAMA could not be honest, just like hillary.

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Which part of the CBO’s report are you reading? See the first page:

    “CBO projects debt as a share of GDP to grow rapidly as the population ages, health care costs continue to GROW, and interest costs rise, even if policymakers abide by current law”

    Further...the CBO states that those “savings” that you Obama cheerleaders claims will come at tremendous cost. The CBO goes on to describe the reality — that while there are savings on insurance premiums, there is solid and growing evidence that these plans restrict access to life-saving medical treatment for ourselves, our family members, and our loved ones. IOW… The newly issued CBO report confirms, that exchange plans are restrictive. What’s worse, this is by design.

    The CBO is NOT saying that health care will cost us less. Health CARE costs aren't going down. It's the SUBSIDIES that may not be as costly as projected… because so many people are choosing to remain uninsured. Unfortunately many readers like YOU will only look at the headline and start touting how Obamacare is saving money. It's really just SPENDING less than projected.

    Healthcare will "cost less" because people will be paying MORE OUT OF POCKET to satisfy deductibles so insurance companies will pay less. Fewer people will be able to afford to get treated for their pre-existing conditions because they will have to satisfy their high deductibles first. And with deductibles being so high, many will choose to just NOT seek treatment.

    An estimated three-quarters of new ObamaCare enrollees are paying higher premiums now than they used to — which, of course, is very much by design, no matter what Obama and the Left will tell you

  • 7 years ago

    What *else* do they got?????????

    They have to keep busy somehow..........

    it's not like they can even pretend they will win in knocking the dems who have won, and will win, is all they really have left.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    what part of the govt cannot force you to buy anything,,, don't you understand, its not a hard concept to figure out, this is the worst piece of garbage legislation EVER to come out of washington

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    My premiums and all of my coworker's premiums increased.

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