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If you were on Mars, and saw a perfect triangle of stones on the surface would you think designer?

You might, given whatever time Mars has been there, and you could possibly justify in your mind the idea that over time, given the right vibrations of whatever, these stones may have collected in this pattern for no particular reason other than some natural process, that produced this pattern.

No problem. It is a geometric shape, and such things simply occur in nature.

What if instead, you found on the surface of Mars, a note on paper, that said, "Hello Mark, glad you finally made it to Mars."

Would you for one second think there was no intelligence behind the origin of that note?

You could not possibly think that the slide on the left was a flook of nature, in that you know it was designed and geometrically arranged to be as it appears,

---but you think that nearly infinitly smaller, the cross section of DNA shown on the second frame is the product of a natural process?

And then do you have the intelligence to suggest I have blind faith, believing in God?


I have never seen so many miss such a clear point, by such a wide margin, in so many various ways.

Truly amazing.

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7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Nature is awesome and absolutely beautiful and amazing, so see no need to invent a theistic higher power. Nature and reality are high powers. Snowflakes, crystals, and DNA under an election microscope are intricate and are beautiful as both of your pictures show, and completely naturally formed.

    What we see is the view of Pantheists, who find that within nature and the cosmos itself can be found all of the reverence and awe we yearn for as spiritual beings, so why invent an anthropomorphic God. Instead of going inside of a Church on Sunday, just look at the beauty of everyday nature. The Universe is your church. Nature is sacred. Trees are your temples, forests are your cathedrals, and science is your Bible. Being at one with nature.

    We tend to believe that Nature and the wider Universe should be the focus of our deepest reverence, rather than any supernatural beings or realms. We believe that everything that exists is a part of Nature and tend to be skeptical of “supernatural” phenomena.

  • Beyond
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Yes.. it is a real photo, taken by Dr. R. Langridge, provided by none other than Frank Collins of the Human Genome Project...

    Give it a rest for your arguments to what is clearly shown in reality, and face it, DNA bears a language far more complex than anything we could type, using 4 basic elements, to describe ... even give definition to another unique individual life.

    Inescapable evidence of a designer... the same way the written language is inescapable evidence of intelligence.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No, either fluke chance or evidence for previous life on mars.

  • AgProv
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    How do you define a "perfect triangle"? By definition, any three points connected to make a three-sided figure are a perfect triangle - an enclosed area of three sides with internal angles adding to 180 degrees. i could connect any three random points i liked on the surface of Mars and claim significance and evidence of a God...

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  • 7 years ago

    Actually, nature can produce geometric shapes.

    That right there is an example of basalt. Basalt can form long, straight, angular shapes. It is due to the molecular structure of the crystals and how they form. There are many other rocks and minerals that do the very same thing. Would not surprise me at all if you could find 3 natural stones on this planet that would fit with each other to make an object. Actually, I bet there are billions of occurrences of that. So, finding three stones that work together to make a triangle is not amazing at all. In fact, some minerals or rocks have cleavage that includes triangles.

  • 7 years ago

    That's not a photograph of DNA. It's an artists representation of DNA.

  • No.

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