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Has God abandoned his creations for fear of discovering the part of himself revealed to him within our sinful existence?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    What exactly do you mean by creations? Like us humans or the earth? Im not quiet sure if this is a physical or more of a spiritual abandonment your referring to, but I will try to answer it both ways.

    Physical Abandonment its not possible in existance. God never lived in earth, he created earth for us humans and creatures to live, so God couldn't possibly abandon something he never lived in anyways.

    Spiritual Abandonment its only for those who abandon themselves spiritually by not connecting with God. God never abandons us, if he had why bother with sending his only son. God recognizes our sins, we abandon God when we dont recognize ours to ask for our sins to be forgiven. God communicates with us spiritually and always has, so no God has never abandon us.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Read the parable of the lost son.

    I'm sure the Good gardener sees the children walking home.


    The Way

    The only way.

    Why shouldn't one be able to lead a spiritual life in the world? But it is extremely difficult.

    Once I passed over the bridge at Baghbazar. How many chains is it tied with!

    Nothing will happen if one chain is broken, for there are so many others to keep it in place.

    Just so there are many ties on a worldly man. There is no way for him to get rid of them except through the grace of God... Sri Ramakrishna

    ◄ Romans 9:16 ►

    It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God's mercy.

  • 7 years ago

    God would never create a world from which he world withdraw at some stage for God is a winner not a loser.

    There had to be a very painful spiritual battle for reasons we can only dimly understand.

  • 7 years ago

    Hi, God hasn't abandoned his creation but is very much a part of the lives of those whom open their lives to Him. God respects our right to choose so he waits to be invited to enter a person's life and doesn't override our decisions making ability or ability to choose -something that He gave to us that makes us like himself. Had God not given us the ability and right to choose then we'd not be like him in that respects and regards..we'd be glorified robots. God is ,as I said before ' very much an part of the lives of those whom open their lives to them. He doesn't force himself on anyone nor into their life but everyone will have to answer for the choices made in their life and for the debt of sin we must give in account for against His laws -something that is rooted in/comes from the sin nature. God made a way for us to have an relationship with Him through the death of His Son.

    God is an 'Holy' God(so that there are things that can't be connected to him if He's to remain that way) and there is the matter of our being sinful that separates us from Him;this was the problem that God was faced with after our reps doomed their descendents/made choices on our behalf after God created us and gave u the position of being his reps and having control over the planet and it's inhabitants-He ruled in heaven,He gave to us (as his reps mde in his image and likeness).God was so much a part and wanted to be an part of our lives that He in the cool of the day was said to visit them(us),spending time in conversation and perhaps instruction ,now does that sound like someone who didn't want to be a part of our life, esp since even after We(they) blew it majorly, He made a plan to get us back into the position with Him that we lost(our ancestors) through trespass/treason against Him.

    God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life ,God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world(us) but that e through Him might be saved". If God had given up on us why send make tha plan and why would Jesus make the sacrifice? He could have aid ,if he didn't think we were worth the bother - well i'll just start over somewhere else,it will cost to much to re-establish them back to the position that they fell from and lost because of their choices-we each have to make decisions about if the things we do are worth the consequences that it will cost us for doing them,like falling in love,having kid, going to war with another country or company,business,etc.

    We have to ,if we're smart decide if the thing is worth the price it will costs us to attain/posses it .God aw us as so valuable that even His own Son wasn't such an high price to give in exchange for the opportunity/rights to regain/re-establish contact with us. You ee it's not an guaranteed thing for each person ust decide for themselve if what the Bible says is true and God even exists. Some to many will say yes but there are those whom will say no to the offer and opportunity not taking God at(faith in) his word which is the foundation for the opportunity to receive what was/is offered us. god knows all things but just becaue you know some will accept won't make it any easier to know that some won't;so God makes a plan and accepts the consequences for the plan for the opportunity to regain access to us/give it to us for reconnection to with Him-for God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself...Has God abandoned humanity or his creation not by /from the standpoint from the evidence of Him giving his Son and the Son offering and giving up his life for us. So you too have a chance to accept wht God offers through Christ,which is,forgiveness of sin having relationship with the Creator of everything and also the ability/opportunity to become one of hi own kids-does that have a miniscule hint of Him not wanting us and of being an absentee Creator-God,to me, that sounds like someone who want,even(if i may with reverence say) craves the relationship and of being an part of our lives- God so loved us that He gave.

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  • 7 years ago

    no god has not abandon us

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Why has he abandoned his creation? He is still creating people in his perfect image ( the spiritual man born of the spirit) he said he would never leave us or forsake us. He made Adam to be perfect but Also gave him a free will we know what Adam choose. Adam is who brought sin to mankind not God. People today are still following Adam. God is still offering salvation to those willing to deny the Adam nature.

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