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How Long Is It Going To Take To Be America Again?

After having had 0blunder in the White House for 8 years how long is it going to take the United States to regain it's prestige around the world, and what will it take for Americans to again start trusting the American Government after 0blunder leaves office?

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We can't blame it all on the government. Too many people have succumbed to the jealousy, greed and hand-outs offered. Too many have taken on "victim" status thinking it would benefit them. Our youth are taught very little about American history--too many do not even know why we fought WWII much less what our forefathers stood for--thanks to our current school system taken over by the federal government. And most of all, when they took prayer out of school, prayer and religion at home went out with it. The atheists attempt at every turn to remove God from every aspect of society. The result of that is that too often marriage has all but gone out the window, and now we have too many unwed mothers and kids without fathers. Mothers working and not proper parenting causes the kids out on the streets and in gangs. Then there is also drugs and prostitution. In short American has lost too much of his moral background, and Mr. Obama encourages it. It is going to take a major religious transformation to get us back.

  • L
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Oh good lord.

    The United States still has plenty of clout around the world. Most of the economic problems that the US has is not the fault of the current president... if you can't recall, you might need a reminder that the 2008 crash happened BEFORE he got into office. Also, at the end of the Clinton presidency, we had a surplus. So there was the Clinton Administration, and then A GREAT BLANK WHERE NOBODY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED and then Obama came in and screwed everything up? Come on. Not logical. Were there not a few international military maneuvers which happened DURING THIS GREAT BLANK OF TIME that had nothing to do with Obama? Which the Obama Administration inherited, and did not create? Is there not an incredibly ridiculous legislative set in power right now that has done nothing but block bill after bill, to the point where Truman's "Do Nothing" Congress looks like a bunch of go-getters? Shall I serve you some Tea, and we can have a Party?

    And what will it take for Americans to start trusting in the government again? I don't trust in the government, and I won't no matter who is in office, because they're politicians. Politicians act like politicians no matter who is in office. I would also suggest you look into the reactions around the world when Obama was re-elected. If you are concerned about how our "clout" would be if Romney had been elected, I guarantee it would have been much worse. And we could have let Detroit go bankrupt. Which would have been awesome, losing well over 3% of GDP.

    You're a moron.

    With Love,


  • Hugo90
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    America's loss of prestige was due to Cheney's war mongering and the Conservative attitudes towards other countries. We are on the road to greatness again, until a Republican get elected President.

    Distrust of government is not based on reality but on a campaign of lies by Conservative to dismantle the country. Certainly the decline of wages has it's roots there.

  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Actually, every country, outside of Afghanistan and Pakistan, are far more supportive of the United States government under Obama than they were under Bush. And, I understand the republican necessity of continually denouncing their own country and praising foreign tyrants over their own country, when they aren't threatening to secede from the nation, shut down the government, and destroy our credit rating, but the majority of Americans continue to disagree with your failed policies and your ridiculous antics and rhetoric against this country.

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  • 7 years ago

    Let's see here, um,

    There's no war.

    The economy's improving.

    Oh, and all those glitches with ObamaCare cleared up.

    Our worldwide prestige is at an all-time high.

    You're a blithering idiot.

  • Jay R
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You have so little sense of American history that you are unable to make any evaluation of the current president that doesn't make you sound like a hostile idiot. Answer: Huh?

  • 7 years ago

    The President has done a great job, as evidenced by conservatives - just like you - posting lies, nonsense, and insults.

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