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Lv 58,587 points

Albert C

Favorite Answers17%
  • Question, is the Donald Sterling fiasco a set up?

    Could it be that the whole Donald Sterling fiasco was a setup perpetrated with the cooperation of Sterling's girl friend? I ask because last I heard the evidence used was what Sterling believed to be a private conversation between himself and his girlfriend who Sterling thought he could trust? So again I ask, was the Sterling fiasco a set-up from the beginning? Could the NBA have been in on the set-up from the beginning? Now the real question is, will the NBA's actions hold up in court?

    2 AnswersGolf7 years ago
  • 68,000 Criminals in Country!?

    How does the 0bama regime explain why we currently have 36,000 illegals, responsible for 88,000 criminal convictions still in country? Are "Political Considerations" that important to the 0bama regime that these people are still in the United States rather then having been deported to their home countries? And if you're wondering where this information is coming from, it's ICE, Immigration and Custom Enforcement. - Your Thoughts!

    Source: Newsmax

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Hillary May Have Brain Damage?

    Is it true that Hillary might very well be suffering from traumatic brain injury resulting from a fall she took in 2012? If in fact this information is true what effect will it have on the democratic machine in the coming presidential elections?

    18 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Can the Country survive another (4) four years of a liberal in the White House?

    Can the American People survive another four years of liberal rule in the White House? Better yet can the American economy survive another lack of leadership in the White House following 0bama?

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why did the 0bama Regime not call Boko Haram a terrorist organization?

    Boko Haram - Why did Hillary and 0bama fail to call Boko Haram a terrorist organization? Could it be that 0bama sympathizes with Islamic terrorist organizations? Or are there other political reasons?

    7 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Will America have a future?

    What will Americas future be if the American People fail to clean out the House and Senate of 0bama supporting democrats with their votes in the up coming mid-term elections? Will America even have a future if the American People fail? - Your Thoughts!

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • A question of 0bama's ideologies?

    Why is it that 0bama has sided with 'radical Islamist', if one reviews 0bama's actions the question come to light,is 0bama sympathetic to radical Islamist who perpetrated the attack on Benghazi resulting the death of Four (4) Americans; as stated by Hillary Clinton "what's difference does it make?" Your thoughts and please address the question being asked. Is 0bama sympathetic to radical Islamist?

    9 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Are the likes of Eric Holder warranted as Attorney General?

    Why is it that when ever an 0bama supporter is to be investigated Eric Holder always denies the request to appoint a Special Counsel by always saying, "it's unwarranted"?

    6 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Viet Nam all over again?

    Things are getting ugly in the South China Sea, a Chinese ship fired a water cannon at Vietnamese patrol vessels ramming them and injuring six (6) people. - - - Are looking at another Viet Nam War? The real question is what will 0bama do if China persist?

    3 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How is America's Sanity?

    Are the American People Crazy enough to elect Hillary Clinton to the Presidency of the United States come 2016 and why yes or why no? - Your Thoughts!

    5 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Lie - Lied - Lying!?

    Why is it that Liberals are either not interested in what really happened in Benghazi or is it that they are afraid of what the true facts are and what White House failures lead to the deaths of Four (4) American Diplomats? Which is it, they don't care what happen that resulted in the deaths of four (4) Americans or are they afraid of what's going to happen once the truth is known that it was the result of yet another failure of the Regime? ? ? I would appreciate Your Thoughts!

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Where was the President?

    A question keeps coming to mind "WHERE" was the President of the United States during the attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi? I can't help but wonder where he was if he was not in the Situation Room while four Americans were being killed in the American Embassy in Benghazi? Could it be that Americans i Which brings us back to the original question, where was 0bama hiding? - Your Thoughts!

    10 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Why are good political questions ignored?

    Why is it that a good well founded political question that requires some thought before it's answered is all too often ignored?

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Can the administration betrusted to tell the truth?

    With all that's currently going on around us, can this administration be trusted to tell the American People the truth? - Your Thoughts!

  • What makes a good President?

    Before we start let's put aside the issue of 'race' long enough to ask the question, why is the American Media so intent on sheltering the failures of the current administration and the administrations lying to the American People? Which leads to the question, what does the American Media hope to gain by their actions against the American People? - Your Thoughts

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Donald Sterling's words.?

    I don't have a problem with the actions of the NBA and their reaction to the Sterling recording. My problem is with the manner in which the tape was generated and obtained. Does that mean that we no longer have a right to a private conversation? Your Thoughts!

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Sales of Ammunition!?

    Everyone is always debating should the possession of hand guns and hunting rifles be band or better controlled but, has anyone stopped to ask why are agencies of the federal government buying up large quantities of ammunition?

    2 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • How Long Is It Going To Take To Be America Again?

    After having had 0blunder in the White House for 8 years how long is it going to take the United States to regain it's prestige around the world, and what will it take for Americans to again start trusting the American Government after 0blunder leaves office?

    7 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Harry Reid is just an example of the garbage we currently have occupying both Houses of Congress!?

    It's past due time that we Americans take a good hard look at what we're allowing to serve in the Senate and our Congress. Your thoughts on what we can do to clean up Washington before it becomes to late to save our Country?

    10 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Are the American People aware that 0bama is destroying the United States?

    Are the American People so complacent with the current status of the 0bama regime that they cannot see the the damage that 0bama and his cronies are doing to America both politically as well as socially? But more important do the American People care?

    5 AnswersGovernment7 years ago