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Lie - Lied - Lying!?

Why is it that Liberals are either not interested in what really happened in Benghazi or is it that they are afraid of what the true facts are and what White House failures lead to the deaths of Four (4) American Diplomats? Which is it, they don't care what happen that resulted in the deaths of four (4) Americans or are they afraid of what's going to happen once the truth is known that it was the result of yet another failure of the Regime? ? ? I would appreciate Your Thoughts!

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe that "Liberals" are always focused more on the "big picture" and do not want to allow any issue to sideline or derail the moving forward of their greater agenda. I do not believe they wished any harm to the four deceased Americans at our connsulate. However, they will not allow attention to diminish the march forward toward their more strategic goals. Further, the bigger lesson of Benghazi (that Al Kaeda is still strong; maybe stronger than at first believed) is that their conclusionis are flawed and that their agenda is also flawed. To the extent that an alert American people might take up notice and become outraged at Liberals at a mismanagement of America's place in this world, they must therefore down play Benghazi and thereby condemn those four dead Americans to obscurity. Also leaving their deaths unanswered because they really aren't expending their capital to identify, capture and bring justice to the perpetrators.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We know about it, you want us to get upset about terrorists doing terrorist things.

    You want to twist it into something the President and/or Hillary did or counld have done to prevent/stop it before/when it happened.

    Or you want to be outraged over if it was an act of terror or a terrorist act.

    Now you want to get outraged over if an aide prepped the Sunday talkers with the wrong information.

    And you base this on the idea that the country as a whole would vote one way or another if Al Qaida was/wasn't weakened and was in Libya.

    You've confused the issue so badly that no one thinks there is anything more to know after two years of investigations, committees, hearings. Oh you may find out when someone clipped their toenails and try to make more out of that, but the relevant facts are out and known.

  • 7 years ago

    We know what happened in Ben Ghazi: it has been investigated to the Yin Yang. A terrorist attack happened, mistakes have been made, and 4 Americans died. That's about as many as Americans die in car accidents, per hour. Every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year.

    While it's sad that it happened, we have much more important stuff to deal with. Is there anything that gets regressives off than birth certificates or Ben Ghazi? Anything new to get wound up about?

  • 7 years ago

    We know what happened in Benghazi. Conservatives, just like you, don't like the truth.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    then why don't they just tell the truth

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