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If Gay marriage is bad because it ruins the sanctity of straight marriages, why don't Cons oppose divorce too?

That certainly ruins the sanctity of marriage.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because even their Conservative Hero Ronald Reagan divorced and then remarried.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    We do oppose it. The problem is, divorce is too big of a cash cow for lawyers. And we have a society that is not willing to tough it out anymore. Don't like the the dress your wife bought? Just divorce her. Don't like the way your husband has to attend business lunches to keep his job these days? He's outta here.

    Gay marriage doesn't work and neither does homosexuality. It doesn't make sense, it is immoral, and it's dangerously unhealthy-- which is why it's being pushed so hard on us and our kids. And citing evolution, it doesn't serve any purpose.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I don't think it was conservatives arguing for the right to abandon their families to 'find themselves' in the 60's, 70's and 80's! That was a gift from the 'progressives'. And now look. People are doing it, and all they can do is point fingers and try to make us even more degenerate. Using their previous 'victory' as an excuse.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I've never been comfortable with the whole "ruins the sanctity of marriage" line of reasoning.

    As a Libertarian and a Christian, I am also not a fan of limiting rights for same sex unions.

    That said, the argument is really over the dilution of the * definition * of "marriage", not the sanctity of it.

    In my opinion, any homosexual couple wanting equal rights must be joined * equally * in the eyes of the state. Before you clap your hand in applause keep in mind that I am saying this couple will also be subject to the same potential * liabilities * when the union goes south.

    Right now, many homosexual couples enjoy partner benefits without anything in the way of paperwork to show they are, indeed, a couple. That's exactly how many homosexuals want it; all of the benefits and none of the liabilities.

    Heterosexuals living together are afforded no such benefit.

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  • 7 years ago

    Biblically, which is where modern marriage is defined, there is a big difference. Homosexuality is simply not accepted under any circumstances, but divorce is, given certain criteria are met.

    Divorce is an easy way out for far too many, but there are circumstances under which its acceptable, even to the most religiously devout...physical abuse and adultery. I see your point, but it's apples and oranges.

  • 7 years ago

    You are right. But divorce is much more common and to vilify those who get them would force them to call out may of their own people. It would be like cutting their own political throats...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You know what ruins marriage? Giving the state the authority to sanction and bestow benefits on, based on an interpersonal contract.

    When religious people have allowed the state to intrude upon the religious institution of marriage, they began the downfall of marriage.

    It should be a voluntary contract between anybody that wishes to participate; any gender, any number, and any degree of familial relation. Anything less is not "equal."

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Marriage-divorce-remarriage, also called serial monogamy, is more similar to polygamy than to gay marriage.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Gay marriage doesnt ruin anyone eleses marriage. Its the manor the man or woman in the marriage that ruin the straight marriage. Blaming gays doesnt help. Being honest and faithful while not cheating does.

  • IceT
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    That isn't the reason! We are against it because calling it marriage makes it the same as heterosexual marriage and it isn't.

    I personally have no problem with gay couples getting the same protections and rights as heterosexual couples it just shouldn't be called marriage.

    Source(s): Biology 101
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They won't oppose it for much longer. Some of them are already back-pedalling on it as hard as they can.

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