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Why would God wait till after Christianity is founded to say Christianity is wrong and Islam is right, or 2000 to say Mormons are right?

Mormons and Islam are very similar in teaching and say the same exact things Christianity is wrong and I am right, well if they are right then why didn't God just say 2,000 years ago Mormons or Islam is my religion? Jesus himself was Jewish so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be a fan of Mormonism or Islam.

16 Answers

  • rac
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    God, through Christ, pointed the way for His children to follow. If you read the directions correctly, they do point to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Therefore, your query is not quite correct because God did say thousands of years ago to look for His Church with His prophets and apostles. Those who recognize the signs know where the truth is found.

    Source(s): my LDS opinion
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    As others have said, Mormons are Christians, so I don't think that we Mormons say that Christianity is false.

    Furthermore your insinuation that Mormonism and Islam are very similar is something that somebody probably told you and if you thought about it for a moment you might realize how ridiculous that statement is. To the extent that Islam and Christianity are similar, Islam and Mormonism are also similar - beyond that very few similarities are unique between Mormonism and Islam, and those unique similarities would be countered by other unique similarities that Islam has with others.

  • Doctor
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well, God was saying 2000 years ago that his teachings would be corrupted in the near future and the believers would all be led astray. He said 2000 years ago that in the last days there would be a restoration of the truth, in other words there was a prophesy that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which you call the Mormons) would be established.

    God didn't wait at all. Why do you wait to join the church?

  • 7 years ago

    It amuses me greatly how the Mormons here can in one breath ridicule you for suggesting that there are similarities between Islam and Mormonism, but then in the next breath assert that Mormonism is more closely aligned to early christianity than any other church. Wow. The facts really don't matter to some of these people.

    Oh, and Publius...many early Mormon leaders DID say that Christianity is wrong. In fact, that is the main message in the (official version) First Vision. God pointed to Jesus and said listen to this: Jesus then said not to join any of the churches, because they were all corrupt and abominable in God's sight. That is the foundation of Mormonism. But now you're telling us that Mormonism NEVER SAID that Christianity is wrong??? Wow. Stop the lies, dude.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    "Mormons do not say that Christianity is wrong, pard. Never did." Oh, really? I beg to differ. And he knows it, too.

    "All Christianity is an abomination."

    --- Joseph Smith, founder of mormonism.

    As a retired farmer, I knew well that you just don't go willy-nilly digging up weeds in your grain fields. Doing so kills the new grain surrounding them, and that cuts into your profit. So you let the weed grow until juuuuust before it reseeds itself. Typically the grain is also ready to harvest by then, so it doesn't matter if a few stems get broken by walking through your field. The grain will be harvested regardless. So, just when the weed thinks its won by cleverly disguising itself as actual grain, or, that you overlooked its presence, a good farmer goes out and chops its little head off then tosses it in the fire where it belongs, leaving the headless root to die as it was always meant to. The grain--and the field--are saved from being adulterated, after all. Who knew?

    I learned that from a parable of Jesus Christ. He's a very wise man, considering He was only a carpenter and not a farmer. Therefore, my answer would have to be, because the weeds remain clueless to their eventual fate. God is One patient but savvy farmer, is why.

    Source(s): Matthew 13:24-30. ‘Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”
  • 7 years ago

    Mormons are a cult that call themselves Christians.

    Muslims do not consider themselves Christians.

    Muslims consider Jesus a Prophet but not the Christ as we "Christians" consider him.

    Mormons do believe Jesus is the Christ, but as you have indicated, they believe that Christians are wrong because we don't follow the books Joe wrote.

    Book of mormon says that the Bible has parts that have been removed. By following that bible, the book of mormon says that you are following Satan.

    Only by follow the books that Joseph Smith wrote, or as he said translated or was inspired by God to write, will a person be following the true church.

    Well that sounds like a cult to me. .

    "wherefore, thou seet that after the book hath gone forth through the hands of the great and abominable church, that there are many plain and precious things taken away from the book, which is the book of the Lamb of God" ( 1 Nephi 13:28)

    ........because of these things which are taken away out of the gospel of the Lamb, an exceedingly great many do stumble, yea, insomuch that Satan hath great power over them. (1 Nephi 13: 29f)

    Source(s): book of mormon
  • 7 years ago

    You are spouting off about stuff you clearly know nothing about. Your statement that Mormons and Islam are very similar is ridiculous.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Every prophets since Adams until Jesus and Muhammad are all muslims.

    They surrender to one and only one God.

    surrender = sa la ma in Semitic language = islam

    God=Allah=Yahua=Elohim are one God in different names.

    In the past time God would have sent a new prophet whenever the teaching of earlier prophets are already corrupted, blurred and mislead by their followers as times passed by.

    After almost 600 years after Jesus taken up to heaven, less than 30 faithful of true follower of Jesus (who believe in one God) so God sent Muhammad to remind the people about one true God.

    Peace be upon those prophets.

  • Lizzy
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    A religious person of course claims that his religion is right and ALL other religions are wrong. Someone will claim that their particular Christian sect is right and all other Christian sects are false.

    Ask a Hindu about a Taoist....

    And BTW, god was in Man's mind with Animism possibly 125,000 years ago. We learn that from their grave sites.

  • phrog
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    uhm, point of fact: the LDS (aka Mormon church) ARE it doesn't make any sense that they might as you claim say Christianity was wrong. what they DO say is that they don't accept the ecumenical council decisions (like the construct of trinity 324 years after Christ).

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