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In retrospect, what should Donald Sterling have been punished for?

Until now, I have refrained from comment on the Donald Sterling affair, in which he got banned for life from LA Clippers games over racist comments made in private. However, I have read much about this matter online over the course of the past week, and it is clear to me that there is more here than first was reported in the establishment media. In a piece that appeared on Wednesday this past week at, Ben Shapiro argued that the real offense Sterling should have been fired for was not the racist remarks he made in private (and didn't intend to go public on) but his actual discrimination against blacks, Hispanics and families without children in his rental properties, which he settled an actual suit on in 2009, among other things:

I find Mr. Shapiro's case persuasive - we seem to have lost the distinction here between public and private racism, and words and actions.

Your comments?

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe Sterling's private comments seemed more personal to the NBA than his racism toward others. In private Sterling said he didn't want his 'girlfriend to be seen with black players/managers, etc, at the games or on her social networks while 80% of the NBA is black. NBA players are mostly multimillionaires and are well known. They are unlikely to ever experience the kind of racism that would deny them an apartment or any house they wanted. Sterling's private comments were personal to them. Even the NAACP gave Sterling a lifetime award knowing he was fined by the federal government for redlining as well as really disgusting comments as to why he would not rent to people of color. NAACP just ignored it for the money. The NBA doesn't need Sterling's money and these successful black men will not deal with Sterling who see's them as still being less than he.

    I also believe there was some jealousy that his half black well paid escort would seem to prefer black healthy successful basketball players to himself after he kept her in such style.

  • 7 years ago

    Personally, I find it disturbing that an individual in the free world can no longer speak their mind in a private conversation without wondering if they are being taped. This seems very similar to the current culture in North Korea and what China used to be just a couple decades ago. It also reminds me of the theme from George orwell's book "1984", except big brother is not the governments that is watching you, but rather the world itself via the internet that is watching you. Scary.

  • 7 years ago

    You think that because the conversation was in private that everyone who heard it should just ignore it? That makes no sense...if you get caught saying offensive stuff in private people are going to react. If you're apart of a business you're gonna screw things up for yourself if you're talking about potential contributors in your market. You think they're just gonna back off cause it was a private conversation? Please, grow up. This is how the world works. You WILL get chewed up and spat out for saying racist b.s.

  • 7 years ago

    No one should be punished for anything. Separated if they are a physical threat, but not punished, punishment is just sadism.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Upsetting the brothahs

    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Being a john his "girlfriends" are really hookers.

  • 7 years ago

    Keno player is 100% correct. You fools don't and can't see the big picture of all this. I'm forced to support a dumb racist because I want my freedom. I hope sterling wins this in court so I or my fellow Americans don't fall pray to unauthorized leaked recordings in my own home half asleep. I'm a minority and I think the NBA sucks and is predictable. Heat win again.

    Source(s): Me
  • 7 years ago

    Exactly as he has.

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