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Doctor recommended circumcision?

I recently (Today) went to the doctors about being unable to retract my forskin, I've never actually been able to, the doctor said that it wasn't actually a big deal, she said that a lot of guys have it and the only way to fix it would be to get circumsised and that the steroid creams don't work

Is this true?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Your foreskin should have been able to be fully and freely retracted since about the age of 8. It is now vital that you can clean under it to daily remove the waste product called smegma that collects there. Failure to do so leads to nasty odours and eventually to serious infections.

    Your doctor does not need to be a urologist to diagnose phimosis and suggest the best cure. I am sure that she has seen many others with the same problem. She has actually examined you, with none of the respondents here have done - so they are not in a position to say that she is wrong!

    Stretching exercises and creams work only for a minority of lads with phimosis. In most cases they are totally ineffective and a waste of time, effort and money. Circumcision is a minor external operation that always permanently cures phimosis as well as preventing paraphimosis, frenulum breve and balanoposthitis. It also reduces by up to 60% the risk of ever catching each of several STIs.

    I would trust your doctor and get a circumcision done as soon as practicable. You will never regret it!

  • Sara
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No. Is she a urologist?

    Anyway, throughout your upbringing - you should have been advised or told by your parents to pull back the skin on a pretty much daily basis and clean the area.

    If you pull back the skin enough that it hurts a little bit and do it every day you may be able to work it out. You've basically let the skin grow together. I'm not a doctor tho. Do some googling.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    oh no, please don't go forward with that... it will ruin your sensitivity and natural lubrication... as a female I've had bf with the same condition and is not a problem at all, quite the opposite indeed... I hope you leave it as nature intended, fully sensitive... kisses xx

  • 7 years ago

    Your doctor is lying to you. Circumcision is a big deal and you don't want it.

    There is another way to fix your foreskin.

    You are blessed with a foreskin. Many guys would envy your foreskin even though it does not retract. You display great wisdom in wanting to avoid circumcision. Do not be worried. You are normal for your age.

    To retract the foreskin, one must grab the foreskin on the shaft and pull it rearward, but do not force it. If the foreskin will not retract then you must consider leaving it as it is or doing stretching exercises to make it retractable. You are fortunate to have a choice.

    Having sex with a non-retractile foreskin depends on just how tight your foreskin is. If it is really narrow and absolutely won't retract, then you can have penetrative sex without pain. On the other hand, if it just a little bit tight, then it is likely to be forced back during sex and that will hurt because it is tight. In that case, it probably would be better to stretch your foreskin until it glides easily back and forth

    It is not necessary to have a foreskin that will retract. Some men live their entire lives with a non-retractable foreskin. They can masturbate, have penetrative sex, get married, and father children with a foreskin that does not retract. Some

    believe that a penis with a non-retractile foreskin has more sensation and that sex is better. One just needs to see that your partner is well lubricated before you attempt penetration. One may need to add some personal lubricant if she does not lubricate.

    Almost all boys are born with a foreskin that does not retract. This is normal. It takes years for the ability to retract to develop. About ½ of boys have a retractable foreskin by 10.4 years of age. Many adolescents still have foreskins that have tips that are too narrow to pass back over the penis head. These foreskins may be gently stretched over a period of time to cause them to widen.

    It is normal for teens to have a foreskin that does not retract. One’s foreskin is still developing. If you want your foreskin to retract (not everyone wants a retractable foreskin), then you can help it develop ability to retract by stretching it.

    If you choose to stretch your foreskin, then the goal is to have a foreskin that glides smoothly back and forth so as to provide maximum pleasure.

    When your penis is erect, gently pull your foreskin back against the head of the penis. As the head attempts to pass through the foreskin it will stretch the skin a little. Do this several times a day and in a few weeks or months your foreskin will widen and you will be able to retract your foreskin. Do NOT force retraction. Do NOT cause yourself pain.

    It works by tissue expansion. Stretching skin induces “mitosis” which is a word that means “division of cells”. New skin cells are formed and the skin expands but it takes some time. The increase in size is permanent. Be patient and give mitosis time to work.

    The important thing is to put the skin under tension every day so that it will grow wider.

    Search the Internet for:

    “How to Fix Phimosis and Tight Foreskins, Solutions That Work”

    and you will find the information and support you need.

    Check these websites for more information:


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  • 7 years ago

    No it is not true, circumcision is not the only way to fix it. If you get circumcised you WILL lose more the half the nerve endings in your penis. You will be swopping one small problem for a much larger problem which will affect you for the rest of your life.

    There are two ways to fix your problem, minor surgery without circumcision or growing new skin. Growing new skin is far better than allowing ignorant medical butchers to mutilate you. To learn the principles of growing new skin just google "tugging".

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    You can pursue a 2nd opinion should you desire,

    yet I think you'll find...

    that it cuts both ways.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    There is this bogeyman out today about how getting circumcised is somehow bad. Listen, at most, it can make you less sensitive down there, so you can last longer, but your orgasms will be as intense as they were before. The other benefits is you will be less likely to get infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.

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