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Where can I find the writings of Anton Lavey?

I know it's pretty available in bookstores but I'm not interested in buying the Satanic bible because I live with snoopy people. And I tried reading the pdf one it's missing parts online. I live in a pretty repressive area (mid TN) so I guess my question is would I be able to find satanic/occult writings in my local libraries? Also, what section would I find it under?


Please no trolls I just want to know if it's still available at public libraries because I don't want to waste my time.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No, you don't live in a "pretty repressive area." People in North Korea live in a pretty repressive area. Get a grip and stop being such a drama queen.

    And you mean to tell me you don't have a clue how to use an online library catalog to look up books on a particular subject, or books whose title you know? You're pathetic.

  • 7 years ago

    Cant you buy it and hide it? Where I live you can get it from the library or they can order them from other librarys for about 3 weeks. or go to a bookstore and read it there. I used to spend hours doing that at stores

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