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Lv 5
Topaz asked in PetsFish · 7 years ago

Bloated betta fish?

I've had my betta fish for over two years. He lives by himself in a five gallon tank with a heater. I usually feed him three pellets a day and fast him on sundays.Three days ago I noticed that his stomach was bloated so I stopped feeding him. Now, after three days without food, the bloating doesn't look as severe but it's definitely still there. I'm worried about continuing to fast him because I don't want him to starve to death. What can I do to help him? And what can I do to prevent the bloating in the future?

5 Answers

  • Angela
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    These dudes can last up to two weeks with no food. Often times starving the fish benefits them. However, you can avoid this issue by not over feeding your fish. If your fish started to get bloated and you did not over feed then I would start watching him for pine-coning (dropsy).

    Feed frozen or live daphnia. This will help with his bloating.

    Bloating can mean a lot of things...

    Does he have a filter? Sponge filters are inexpensive and work great. All fish should have a filter. Betta fish are no exception. Sponge filters are 2 bucks on ebay with free shipping get him one if he does not have filter. They are powered by a cheap air pump.

    Here read this:

    Many illnesses can be prevented if you cycle the tank. Do every other day 25% water changes for @3 weeks strait. Make sure to have a sponge filter as you need it to cycle the tank.

    I would do a 35% water change and see if that helps him out. Then do not feed for 3 days. On the 4th day give him some daphnia. Then start feeding him regularly. I feed New Life Spectrum Pellets to my Betta Fish.

    :) Hope I helped out. Happy Betta keeping!

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Bloated betta fish?

    I've had my betta fish for over two years. He lives by himself in a five gallon tank with a heater. I usually feed him three pellets a day and fast him on sundays.Three days ago I noticed that his stomach was bloated so I stopped feeding him. Now, after three days without food, the bloating...

    Source(s): bloated betta fish:
  • 5 years ago

    Naturally Increase Penis Size :

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    What do you mean bloated? Like he had a puffy tummy? I've never heard of that, but in my opinion you should feed him regardless. Maybe in smaller amounts, but still do it nonetheless.

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  • 7 years ago

    try adding aquarium salt (1 tablespoon per 5 gallons) to prevent any infection and strengthen the immune system. a 25% water change and temperature of 80 degrees will also help.

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