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atheist, and other BIBLE rejecters, what do you think of this guy?

A long time ago, I read a news report about a guy who was sent to an asylum, because he rejects The BIBLE to the point that if The BIBLE says it is true, he reject it. For some reason, it just popped into my head again, so I thought I would ask about it.

Since The BIBLE says that birds fly in the air, and fish swim in the water, he claims that they do not.

Since The BIBLE says that light comes from the sun, so he said it does not.

He claimed that the birds can not fly in the air, the fish can not swim in the water, and the light can not come from the sun, because The BIBLE says they do, and absolutely everything in The BIBLE is false, so these are also false, and are nothing more then the Christians trying to trick everyone into believing The BIBLE is right..

I'm sure you get the idea.

I'm not sure exactly when this happened, but I am pretty sure it was sometime between 1860 and 1900.


I do not remember the source. I only remember reading about it several years ago.

It could have been in an issue of Weekly World News, (they had crazy stuff) It could have been in an old news paper, it could have been in a story book.

I just remember reading about it. I never said that it was real, because I do not know if it is or not. I just said that I remember the story, and decided to ask and see what others who reject The BIBLE thing of him.

18 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    You misunderstand.

    The Bible is like most fiction: It's a book of fantasy in a realistic backdrop. It's why Stargate was so popular--it made the science fiction blend with reality.

    ps. Your bible also say bats are birds. WRONG.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He's mental obviously. I'm an atheist, but everything in the Bible isn't "false."

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I think he was obviously mentally ill. That's it. It has nothing to do with sane people who choose weather or not to believe in god...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The Bible also claims that the moon is a light source, and if he rejected it, he would be correct.

    Anyways, you haven't cited your source and I have no reason to believe your word.

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  • 7 years ago

    I think 2 things about this story. The man is nuts....the bible is also nuts

  • 7 years ago

    Sounds like that guy had a one track mind. He was probably over-coerced as a child. In fact, it sounds a lot like my brother, except he was never interested in the Bible.

    I mean, it's silly, right? He had no ability to differentiate between things that are obviously true and things that might be true and things that are probably not true and things that are definitely not true. Maybe he was schizophrenic.

  • 7 years ago

    What does your Jesus tell you about lying for him?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    When people use absolutes (the Bible is ALWAYS right, or the Bible is ALWAYS wrong) they risk being wrong.

    When the Bible says something that is obviously scientifically correct (such as birds fly), denying that is irrational (and there will be people that say "some birds don't fly" but the exception simply proves the rule).

    When the Bible says something that isn't scientifically accurate or proven (The Flood, Creation, etc.), denying that is rational.

  • Lísa
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Books like the Bible and the Qu'ran are collections of several books put into one.

    Both books have something that makes sense and a lot of things that make no sense.

    Example the Bible says to love your neighbor, do not kill, help the poor and such things but at the same time it says stupid things like having sex with someone of the same sex is bad, that wearing two different fabrics will send you to hell and that stoning and slavery is a good thing.

    The only thing from books like the Bible and the Qu'ran that are actually true are simple things that don't even need to be written down like love your fellow man, don't steal and don't kill.

    Source(s): Atheist reader of the Bible and a friend to the Israeli people.
  • 7 years ago

    The stories in the bible are bull.

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