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Lv 7

Will Islamics accept The Antichrist as their Messiah like the Jews?

I understand they are still waiting for their Mahdi after rejecting Jesus as the real deal. Your thoughts, please.

15 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    most of the world will accept the anti chirst. He is not coming dressed like Hitler he is coming when there has been a collapse of social order which is going to be triggered by a global financial crisis. He will speak against greed and corruption and blame nation states and military budgets for the financial crisis. He will promise world peace and offer a way to rebuild a new social order. The environment will also be a key platform. You see all the nations are in serious debt trouble and this has been achieved by design as central banks can loan money that did not exist into existence and then are owed the newly created money plus the interest. This has allowed governments to spend into their futures and then tax the people to pay the interest on the debt. They never pay down any principal and continue to issue new loans so that the interest alone will suffocate the nations. When the US Dollar collapses in the near future the price of everything will go crazy. Global hyperinflation is not a good situation. If you look at the seal judgments the first seal is the anti christ shows up on the white horse. The next seals are a denarius or days wage for a quart of wheat and peace is taken from the earth so that men will kill one another. The formula to trigger this on a global scale is now in place. The private banks have taken all the deposits and leveraged this money into investment tools called dirrivatives. This is very true and scary but banks can bet way more money than they hold in deposits. Some banks have 1000 to 1 meaning they bet 1000 dollars for every dollar they hold. They bet it on abstract pieces of paper that have no value. On their books these instruments may acutally be listed as assets but the amount invested is so large there is no one to sell them to. So in a fact all these dirrevatives are actually worthless. What that means if the price of them goes down they are losing money they do not have in fact they will have lost up to 1000 to one on deposits. This means that every depositor will loose everything they have invested. This is nto a bunch of stupid guys making a mistake but a very clever plan for global control and bankrupting the masses. A days wage for a quart of wheat is worst than slave labor. The man who promises to bring hope and change will be hailed by all who are left.

    One sect of Islam is waiting for the 12th Madi. The false prophet will come along as well and in the middle of the 7 years the man of sin will commit the abomination of desolation in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. At this point he well declare himself to be some sort of god. More like ancient alien god and not god creator and all powerful. Anyways here he will require the mark of the beast to buy or sell and people will be forced to worship the image of the beast. Many Christians left behind will go for it too. There will be many lying signs and wonders and they will be saying peace and safety and as Jesus said that is when sudden destruction comes.

  • 7 years ago

    No, Muslims won't accept Antichrist as Messiah. Dajjal is Antichrist, in Islam. We will know he is Antichrist because Unbeliever will be written on his forehead. Jesus is Messiah and Muslims will accept him as Messiah. You confuse Mehdi with Antichrist but no they are not the same person. Mehdi will help Jesus(pbuh) and he will end the Sunni-Shia conflicts, he will unite them.

  • 7 years ago

    Jesus is the messiah in Islam

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I think Muslims accept Jesus as the Messiah

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    My thoughts as a Christian and a Certified Bible Teacher are, that you are really confused. NO Jew ever accepted the 'antichrist' as their Messiah. Their rejection of Jesus was because he wasn't the King of the Jews that they thought he was going to be, a King who would overthrow Rome and restore Judea and Israel to it's former glory. The Jew still waits for the Messiah, NOT " The Mahdi". Don't extract your Historic knowledge from the movies "Sudan" with Charlten Heston. Sir Lawrenec Olivia wasn't really the Madi either :)

  • 7 years ago

    The Jews did not accept the anti-Christ as the messiah. But the Christians did.

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I' am the Mahdi (i' m also in Rev. 11), and the angel Gabriel told me that Jimmy Carter is the Antichrist aka Dajjal way back in Aug. 1973 when i was in Phillipsburg, Montana..

    Jimmy Carter will become the Antichrist aka Dajjal and he will serve another term in office after the death of Obama.

    The angel Gabriel told me that Jimmy Carter is the Anti-Christ and that he is going to change his name and divorce his wife!

    Obama is going to die first and then the Anti-Christ aka Dajjal who was one of the previous 7 Presidents will take his place!

    Rev. 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    These 7 kings were;

    1. Gerald Ford

    2. Jimmy Carter

    3. Ronald Reagan

    4. George H. W. Bush

    5. Bill Clinton

    6. George W. Bush.... is spoken of in the present tense (and one is) because until Reagan died all 7 were alive!

    7. Barack Obama.......and one is yet to come! He will die a few days after he raises taxes!

    Obama is also in Dan. 11:20

    Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes [in] the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.

    Rev. 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Everyone will accept the anti-Christ as their Messiah. Those that believe in the "pre-trib" rapture would tell you that the absence of Christians means the absence of the working of the Holy Spirit. No more spreading of the Gospel of Jesus, no more praying to God through Jesus.

    Let me explain. Consider what we are told in 2 Thessalonians 2:6,7: “And now you know what is holding him (note: the anti-Christ) back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.” An interpretation of this passage is that this is about the Holy Spirit, as One Who, “holds it back”, and can only be the Holy Spirit. How is it that the Holy Spirit is “taken out of the way”? By definition. Rapture of the believers who are the conduit for the working of the Holy Spirit. No believers, no prayer. No believers, no preaching of the gospel. No believers, no conduit for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Thus, Satan is unrestrained.

    For the first half of the tribulation, there will be peace and prosperity. God calls 144K Jews to be the new witnesses for Jesus to replace the Christians. But the anti-Christ, after 3.5 years, will enter the rebuilt temple and declare himself to be God. That is when judgment is brought down on the earth.

  • 7 years ago

    God says everyone will accept the antichrist unless their names are written in his book

    So better believe in Jesus so you can be written in his book

  • John
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes and this man will be able to call fire from the sky. They will agree to a modified version of the Qur'an but they will persecute those who dont join the Universal Mother Church worship system. The system that all churches and religions will be required to belong too

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