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Can't people just ban ammunition?

I don't support doing this, but it came across my mind. The second amendment says "right to bear arms", which is commonly accepted as meaning firearms. Well, bullets are not firearms, and individually are not weapons, meaning they aren't "arms"(closest definition is "a weapon, especially firearms"). Your thoughts? (keep in mind, I do not really support this)


I am looking for an argument against its constitutionality. I am fully aware that it would never work.

Update 2:

@Re Versa- Thank you. While I do not completely agree with your views, you at least provided a reason regarding my argument's unconstitutionality. All the other arguments are "guns kill people", "Obama is a tyrant" and other partisan sh*t like that.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Arms includes the necessary implements to use them, such as cleaning and maintenance supplies and ammunition. The Court has, many times before, taken workarounds like this, albeit in other contexts, and considered them de facto bans on a constitutionally protected activity. This has been applied to the right to vote (grandfather clauses and literacy tests) and the right to abortions and contraceptives, that I'm aware of. There are probably more.

    I would love for us to never need to pick up a gun again, either for war or for self-defense. I am not, however, naive enough to believe that time has come. If Summertime or any other bleeding heart liberal could explain to me why we can't trust the police or the Federal government with our rights with respect to privacy, free speech, voting, association, religion, unreasonable search and seizure, fair trial, cruel and unusual punishments, and unlawful imprisonment, but we CAN trust them to be the only group with firearms, I'd appreciate it. If you want to see what happens when police and soldiers meet unarmed dissidents and protesters in the US, look up the Civil Rights movement race riots and Kent State, 1970. Again, I hope there's a day when we can trust people to not try to harm us, a day when we can trust politicians to not abuse their power, but that day has yet to come. Until it does, citizens who have the ability to depose an abusive government are the last and best means of assuring that abuse does not occur.

  • Athena
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We can ask the three roommates of Elliot Rodger fr their opinions on the subject.

    Oh wait . . .

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Maybe somebody can explain to me why the liberal solution to just about ANY problem that we face as a nation is to either "ban" it or "tax" it or "sue" it. A ban on ammunition? LMFAO! Good luck with that!

  • 7 years ago


    Arms is a generic term and would indeed include ammunition.

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  • 7 years ago

    Obama is in the process of doing just that. Try going to the sporting goods store and finding any ammunition except for .22 caliber or shotgun shells. Obama has declared American lead smelters to be hazardous worksites through OSHA rules. The administration is clamping down on gunpowder manufacturers. The government is buying up billions of rounds - enough to shoot every citizen five times so far. The government used to sell military brass to reloaders, but now they are shredding it at much greater cost.

    Jerry Brown in California has basically attempted to outlaw lead bullets on the basis that they are hazardous waste.

  • 7 years ago

    The right to bear arms comes with the natural presumption that you can have ammunition to put in it otherwise it would be the right to bear spears.

  • 7 years ago

    I don't care there are many privately owned businesses that produce ammunition (Something many people don't know), if anyone attempted to bann ammunition the amount of privately owned producers would explode, some people are already trying to produce Military grade weapons on their own, do some research we honestly don't need the government for a dam thing we can do what we want, if someone doesn't like it take up arms to stop us.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    This would lead to a booming industry in bullet forges.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The manufacture of certain ammunition can be seen as a regulation, without the manufacture of preset ammunition the people will create their own. People innovating their own ammo, and probably corresponding firearms, could get very interesting.

    Think of everything that is mass produced as a regulation, the majority accepts that as the choice, instead of changing it to something more effective (unregulated).

    The people can produce anything the State does; Obama and Clinton are right that the State is the people, in regard to the people building everything the State possesses (politicians didn't build that).

  • 7 years ago

    I bet you don't know that people can make their own bullets.

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