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Whereas Jesus said "look to the beam in your own eye" why is most Christian moralizing about pointing out the faults of first century Jews?

Reading this forum, I find Christian posts constantly harping on "Pharisees this" "saducees that" "Jews did the other thing"

not a one about "Reverend So-n-so" or "Preacher Thin-n-that" doing ...this or the other with the money or daughters of the flock ...or the sons for that matter

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because for xtians to b "right" they have to make everyone else "wrong."

    Source(s): It's all make believe.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    So here you are:

    Pastor Raul Ries is one of the most poisonous pastors on radio. He sounds like the Pharisees and Sadducees when he preaches on homosexuals.

    The grace faith in Christ brings is apparently only good enough for him ,but not for people who happen to trust Christ and are Gay.

    How's that?

  • G C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Jesus went on to say that when you take that beam from your eye, then you can help those with a speck of dust in theirs.

  • 7 years ago

    While not speaking for Christians, I'm here to post a link to something I wrote a long time ago to help Christians understand that while many of them were raised in indoctrination to believe that their Bible is infallible and it is blasphemy to question the infallibility of their Bible, the fact that Jews have recognized that it gives a false view of Jews, Judaism and Jewish history and then finds fault with its own fallacies to demonize Jews.

    The depiction of the Pharisees is the opposite of the legacy of the lives of the Jews of the time who were being demonized and their writings.

    Too much of Christian doctrine depends upon negating the eternal covenant of Israel and so the authors of the New Testament replacement theology demonized the group of Jews who encouraged literacy among the masses and who were strongly committed to keeping the Torah intact and refused to permit Hellenized and Romanized idolatrous beliefs and philosophy from being imposed into Jewish life.

    Christians who believe their Bible to be the infallible word of their incarnate deity Jesus will not believe this. Their willful blindness and refusal to accept reality do not change the reality of what it is the Pharisees stood for and what they did.

    This answer here is incomplete without my essay: . The Real Pharisees

    Whether or not any Christian chooses to accept the reality, the New Testament depiction of the Pharisees is the opposite of the legacy their lives and of the words they taught. If it were not for the steadfast refusal of the Pharisees to accept first the Greek and then the Roman occupiers attempts to negate the Jews as an eternal covenant nation people whose identity is determined by God’s Torah, Judaism and Torah would not be here today..

    The true story of the Pharisees epitomizes the adage, More than Israel has kept the Torah, the Torah has kept Israel .

    The legacy of the spread of New Testament dogma throughout the world is one of conquest at the tip of a sword, assimilation of people into its religion as a tool of empire and domination, and a destruction or perversion of many indigenous religions and cultures.

    As a Jew, whatever it is Jesus is supposed to have said or not said, remains meaningless to me except when some dogma is used to attack Jews or claim entitlement to redefine for us our own laws or lie that someone or something has done away with that which God calls ETERNAL

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Christianity has nothing to do with the teaching of Jesus.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    There is a difference between addressing the rights and wrong of a doctrine or activity

    That is talking about God's truth, which we are encouraged to do

    and condemning people

    That is Judgment

    The Pharisees had their DOCTRINE, The Sadducees had theirs

    In Modern day terms

    To talk against the "prosperity Gospel" is perfectly fine

    to call out judgment

  • 7 years ago

    Jesus meant by this that you should look at your own faults before critazising others. 😄

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