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How difficult is it to go gluten-free?

Will going gluten free potentially help with psoriasis?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a soy and "traditional grain" (includes gluten grains) free "quasi-paleo vegetarian" and it's rather easy if you stick to "real whole foods" and not all the ultra-processed/refined, prepackaged garbage.

    Many autoimmune diseases (including psoriasis) can be triggered in some people by a high lectin diet, and things like wheat/grains, soy, commercial dairy (due to corn/soy feed fed to livestock), etc. have sky-high lectin content. Many vegans are apparently in denial that some plant foods contain various "anti-nutrients" that can hurt long term health in humans and certain other mammals. The fact is that humans are not properly adapted to digest certain plant foods/proteins properly, and some plants/seeds are even lethal when consumed.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The only reason to go gluten free is if you have a gluten allergy. Gluten isn't bad but white flour is. Onky eat whole wheat.

  • 7 years ago

    im no expert so i do not know but if it has been suggsted it wil probably help to just avoid bread-foods at all. no brioches or nice cakes or even bread of any kind. its just bad. i always avoid and no i havent died. never eat crap as it is better to black fast for a few hours than to eat crap and suffer digesting it for even a few days sometimes.....even if you dont have much of a healthy lifestyle you should get smoother old man days and die a bit later and be more energetig in your life. TAKE RESPONSABILIT!

  • 7 years ago

    Eating Gluten Free is just a fad. Unless you have been PROPERLY diagnosed as having IBS, Crohn's disease, or a legitimate gluten intolerance, there is no need to cut gluten out of your diet.

    And no, there is no scientific evidence that eating a gluten-free diet helps psoriasis, nor any other disorder that is not directly related to a diagnosed gluten intolerance.

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  • Colin
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Easy as to avoid gluten, just eat grains that are gluten free or avoid grains altogether. Rice is a common gluten free grain and millions of people living in Asian countries don't seem to have a problem being gluten and dairy free. There is a different kind of gluten in somethings like corn for example. There is some debate about oats being gluten free. There are a few diets around that are gluten (and dairy) free such as Paleo or LFRV. Whether this will help your skin remains to be seen.

    Source(s): Banana
  • 7 years ago

    There is no evidence that gluten-free eating helps psoriasis. It certainly makes a difference if you have celiac disease--it can actually save the life of someone with that condition. But there aren't any reasons to go gluten free if you don't have celiac disease. This whole "gluten" fad is just that--a food fad with little basis in any real evidence.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Did you tried Paleo Recipe Book mechanism? Go here : . It might truly benefit everyone!

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