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Is the afterlife a mental experience? Or a physical experience?

When our physical bodies die, our souls go on. Now our souls aren't physical, so would that mean that experiences in the afterlife are mental? The best example of this I can think of is tactile illusions. Your mind thinks something (sometimes specific) is touching you.


I'm so confused on this.

It'd make sense if torment in Hell was entirely mental. That would open the door to any type of pain imaginable. There's no physical limit.

... eh, what do I know?

12 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    There is no afterlife. When your brain dies, you no longer have any mental experiences. The near death experiences that people have where they report seeing things like heaven and angels and departed loved ones were the result of a brain nearly dying, or actually dying, and being revived. These are some pretty wild dreams or hallucinations. But if they had completely died and not revived, then the visions would have ceased and there would have been nothingness which they were not even conscious of.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I believe it's much more to it, the bible says the streets of heaven are paved of gold, gold is very valuable here on earth, but in heaven it seems to be equal to brick, or black top. God is omniscient and the things he knows and has created May never be understood by us humans. U ask if it's a physical or mental experience in heaven, I honestly believe both I believe we receive new body's but not like the ones we have now, ones that are fit to last eternity.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    In eternity your spirit and soul will have an eternal body. Where you go will affect how that body will be. Heaven and Hell are very real places. Heaven will be more wonderful than anything experienced on earth, and Hell worse than the most awful thing experienced on earth.

    Some people have been given real visions of heaven and/or hell or experienced one of them in near death experiences. These four videos show examples. The last link is a test you can do to see where you are currently headed.


    Bill Wiese: Vision of Hell

    Dean Braxton: visit to heaven

    Ian McCormack: A look at Eternity

    Tony Kemp: Heaven and Hell

    Gary Wood: Heaven

    How to know if you are on your way to heaven or hell

  • 7 years ago

    We are resurrected with our physical bodies. Mind and body come together and that is what comprises a soul. The idea of a separate corporeal soul is a pagan belief.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The afterlife is spiritual, not physical or mental.

  • 7 years ago

    Everything mental is controlled by the brain that's a fact and it is also a fact that the brain ceases to function and carry on its activities once we have died. Pain is also triggered through our nerves and brain so is not possible outside our bodies.

  • 7 years ago

    We are souls - spiritual beings having a human experience. Soul is consciousness - the kind which is independent of the brain or body - it has no physical characteristics.

    "At the moment of death, our soul rises out of its host body. If the soul is older and has experience from many former lives, it knows immediately it has been set free and is going home. These advanced souls need no one to greet them. However, most souls I work with are met by guides just outside Earth's astral plane.

    A young soul, or a child who has died, may be a little disoriented until someone comes closer to ground level for them. There are souls who choose to remain at the scene of their death for a while. Most wish to leave at once. Time has no meaning in the spirit world. Discarnates who choose to comfort someone who is grieving, or have other reasons to stay near the place of their death for a while, experience no sense of time loss. This becomes now time for the soul as opposed to linear time.

    Homecoming is a JOYOUS interlude, especially following a physical life where there might not have been much karmic contact with our intimate soulmates. Most of my subjects tell me they are welcomed back with HUGS, LAUGHTER and much HUMOR, which I find to be a hallmark of life in the spirit world."

    Destiny of Souls - Michael Newton

    “Regardless of their state of mind right after death, my subjects are full of exclamations about rediscovered marvels of the spirit world. Usually, this feeling is combined with EUPHORIA that all their worldly cares have been left behind, especially physical pain. Above all else, the spirit world represents a place of supreme quiescence to the traveling soul.

    Although it may at first appear we are alone immediately following death, we are not isolated or unaided. Unseen intelligent energy forces guide each of us through the gate. New arrivals in the spirit world have little time to float around wondering where they are or what is going to happen to them next. Our guides and a number of soulmates and friends wait for us close to the gateway to provide recognition, affection, and the assurance we are all right. Actually, we feel their presence from the moment of death because much of our initial readjustment depends upon the influence of these kindly entities toward our returning soul.

    Since encountering friendly spirits who meet us after death is so important, how do we recognize them? I find a general consensus of opinion among subjects in hypnosis about how souls look to each other in the spirit world. A soul may appear as a mass of energy, but apparently it is also possible for non-organic soul energy to display human characteristics. Souls often use their capacity to project former life forms when communicating with each other. Projecting a human life form is only one of an incalculable number of appearances which can be assumed by souls from their basic energy substance.”

    Journey of Souls – Michael Newton

    {Information received from the past-life regressions of thousands of people.}

  • 7 years ago

    There's simply no afterlife. Houdini would have called back by now.

  • mytube
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    It's both when we die we are going to enter Paradise with our bodies.

    Source(s): Muslim
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Spoiler alert: There is no afterlife

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