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  • How do I check my gifting history on Steam?

    Someone logged into my account and bought something.

    So I'm thinking they gifted it to their original account.

    1 AnswerSecurity7 years ago
  • Struggling with something. Christians, can you help me?

    We are moral agents, right? We have free will. I can sin whenever I darn well please.

    Sin is a choice one makes. Satan may tempt us, but he never forces us. But people sin even when the Devil doesn't tempt them.

    My question is, when we're in Heaven, what's going to stop us from sinning? The Devil will be long gone in the Lake of Fire. So he wont be around tempting us. But the capability to commit evil will still be there. What's going to stop everyone from using it?

    (This is going to sound odd) God's physical presence sometimes doesn't stop people from sinning. In Exodus the freed Hebrew slaves demanded that Aaron make them a golden calf, right in front of Mt. Sinai (While God HIMSELF was physically dwelling there, talking to Moses in person.)

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Do I have the "FBI" ransomware virus?

    So I was locked by the ransomware. This annoyed me so I opened Task Manager and completely exited.

    I'm not seeing any problems. Everything is working fine.

    Is it on my computer? At all? Or was it somehow blocked?

    2 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Has anyone here ever had a hellish near death experience that wasn't what you expected?

    I'm not talking about 23 Minutes In Hell, or A Divine Revelation of Hell, (fiery caverns of death).

    I'm talking about something that one just wouldn't expect to see when they faced death. Perhaps a hospital scene with demented nurses and doctors. (eternal surgery or something along those lines!) Or maybe a hell where one's teeth are drilled by some evil manifested dentist!

    A hell where your worst fear(s) was manifested in the worst way possible?

    A hell where you witnessed entities take the form of your loved ones (or people you hurt) and they tortured you?

    (Anyone ever seen the movie Jacob's Ladder? You'd probably remember that memorable hospital scene.)

    Anything?? Know of any testimonies similar to this?

    Know of any testimonies that you believe might interest me? Just something!

    I really don't care if they are claims. Evidence or not, I just want to know if anyone is claiming to have experienced it.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is the afterlife a mental experience? Or a physical experience?

    When our physical bodies die, our souls go on. Now our souls aren't physical, so would that mean that experiences in the afterlife are mental? The best example of this I can think of is tactile illusions. Your mind thinks something (sometimes specific) is touching you.


    I'm so confused on this.

    It'd make sense if torment in Hell was entirely mental. That would open the door to any type of pain imaginable. There's no physical limit.

    ... eh, what do I know?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Who started the idea that the inverted cross is Satanic?

    I seriously want to know where that retarded idea came from.

    I'm fully aware it's the symbol of Peter's crucifixion.

    This is a legitimate question. (In other words, I'm seeking knowledge.)

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • I'm having problems sleeping every night.?

    It's my heart. I swear.

    I feel it pounding while I'm in bed, and it makes it virtually impossible to sleep.

    This is driving me crazy. It's affecting my school performance, my emotional state everyday, and it leaves me bitter and stressed all the time.

    I'm really freaking sick of this. I'm going to snap if this keeps up.

    Please, is there a way to end this? It cant keep happening. Nobody else really cares or understands. They just get pissed at me when I choose napping over hanging out/talking to them.

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Know any good melodic death metal bands?

    Heck, they don't even have to be melodic death metal. I'm good with just metal! Just... no goregrind, grindcore, or pornogrind. Please. ._.

    \m/ \m/

    I'd prefer links to YouTube.

    So, yeah. Have at it.

    (sorry, I wasn't sure where to ask this question.)

    4 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • I have a question for theistic satanists.?

    I'm just really wondering what you believe will happen in the end. Is Satan victorious? Does he offer victory for those who follow him?

    What happens the loyal ones who die? What reward does Satan give them?

    From what I've heard, theistic satanism is the same as a Christian world-view, but in the end Satan wins.

    (Correct me if that's wrong!)

    Also, does Satan give you power? Power over people?

    Also, what is your take on Jesus Christ/God? If He exists in your paradigm, how do you deal with that? What is this... being to you? If Satan wins in the end, obviously the Christian God isn't as supreme as the Bible makes Him out to be.

    Is God to you like... some "The Penultimate Transmundane Tyrant"?

    Is He the creator of everything in your beliefs? Or did Satan create everything?

    Alright... questions*

    My bad.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why was my Yahoo Answers question deleted?

    I literally asked this: "If I put "mal" in front of "joy", would that literally mean bad/ill joy?"

    (Oh, feel free to answer my deleted question as well ;D ^)

    But seriously, this is annoying me. Why was it deleted? What's so offensive about it>>

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Why do people define atheism as "lack of belief in gods"?

    I see this all the time.

    "Oh well, I'm an atheist. I lack belief in the existence of gods."


    "We're all born atheists! A baby lacks belief in the existence of god."

    By that logic, the popcorn I am eating right now is... an atheist. My cellphone is an atheist. The fence in our backyard is an atheist. It has no belief in the existence of God or gods... heck, it has no belief in anything.

    So many problems arise when one defines atheism as a "lack of belief".

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Freakiest experience that has left me speechless and to this day I have no idea what to think of it.?

    Okay, so there came a time when at night I would hear scratching through out the walls of the house. It ALWAYS happened when I was alone in the kitchen, and my parents were asleep.

    I kid you not, the scratching was all around the house. And every dang time I woke up my parents to tell them about it, it literally stopped. I honestly don't think my dad believes me, even to this day.

    Pots and pans in the kitchen could also be heard moving around.

    For the longest time I was convinced it was just rats, and that whenever I woke up my parents, they would get "scared" and stop moving around... or something. It was the only logical explanation.

    But I'm still so skeptical about it all.

    4 AnswersParanormal Phenomena7 years ago
  • Really really curious if this has happened to anyone else.?

    Okay, so longgggg time ago, I had a frightening paranormal experience. The picture of me on the wall changed shape. My smile turned psychotic. Something was really staring at me through the eyes of it as well.

    Next day, a smaller copy of that picture fell right on the floor in front of my mother in the garage. It was facing right at her. (Could just be a coincidence.)

    But anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has seen paintings/pictures change form.

    Or even statues or doll/toys change position.

    Really realllyyyy wanting to know if anyone else has had something like this happen. Heck, I'll take a story like "I felt as if something else was looking through the eyes of the painting/picture!"

    Just please! Something?? Anything similar?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Music Theorists, I have a question about suspended chords. Do you think you could help me?

    In a root position Dsus4 chord there are the notes D, G and A in that order. If I play a Dsus4 in the first inversion, the note order becomes G, A, D. Now, the notes G, A and D in that order is the chord Gsus2. A Dsus4 is considered the same chord when inverted the same way C is still C when it's inverted. Does this imply that a Dsus4 is the same chord as Gsus2? Is this a notation glitch or do inverse suspended or inverse retarded chords not exist? How can they not exist if instruments like the guitar play the three notes in the chord in any order? I've already stumped one professor with this question.

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago