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Has anyone here ever had a hellish near death experience that wasn't what you expected?

I'm not talking about 23 Minutes In Hell, or A Divine Revelation of Hell, (fiery caverns of death).

I'm talking about something that one just wouldn't expect to see when they faced death. Perhaps a hospital scene with demented nurses and doctors. (eternal surgery or something along those lines!) Or maybe a hell where one's teeth are drilled by some evil manifested dentist!

A hell where your worst fear(s) was manifested in the worst way possible?

A hell where you witnessed entities take the form of your loved ones (or people you hurt) and they tortured you?

(Anyone ever seen the movie Jacob's Ladder? You'd probably remember that memorable hospital scene.)

Anything?? Know of any testimonies similar to this?

Know of any testimonies that you believe might interest me? Just something!

I really don't care if they are claims. Evidence or not, I just want to know if anyone is claiming to have experienced it.

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes - this person did:

    Before his near-death experience, Howard Storm at was a Professor of Art at Northern Kentucky University, was not a very pleasant man by his own admission. He was an avowed atheist and was hostile to every form of religion and those who practiced it. He often would use rage to control everyone around him and he didn���t find joy in anything. Anything that wasn’t seen, touched or felt, he had no faith in. He knew with certainty that the material world was the full extent of everything that was. He considered all belief systems associated with religion to be fantasies for people to deceive themselves with. Beyond what science said, there was nothing else. But then on June 1, 1985, at the age of 38, Howard Storm’s had a near-death experience due to a perforation of the stomach and his life was since forever changed. His near-death experience is one of the most profound, if not the most profound, afterlife experience I have ever documented. His life was so immensely changed after his near-death experience, he resigned as a professor and devoted his time attending the United Theological Seminary to become a United Church of Christ minister. Today, Howard Storm is presently happily married to his wife Marcia and is Pastor of the Covington United Church of Christ in Covington, Ohio.

    My body was still there lying motionless on the bed. My perspective at these times was as if I were floating above the room looking down. It seemed millions and millions of miles away. Looking back into the room, I saw my wife and my room-mate, and I decided they had not been able to help me so I would go with these people. Walking for what seemed to be a considerable distance, these beings were all around me. They were leading me through the haze. I don't know how long. There was a real sense of timelessness about the experience.

    Feeling uneasy, especially since they continued to get aggressive, I considered returning, but I didn't know how to get back. I was lost. There were no features that I could relate to. There was just the fog and a wet, clammy ground, and I had no sense of direction. All my communication with them took place verbally just as ordinary human communication occurs. They didn't appear to know what I was thinking, and I didn't know what they were thinking. What was increasingly obvious was that they were liars and help was farther away the more I stayed with them. Hours ago, I had hoped to die and end the torment of life. Now things were worse as I was forced by a mob of unfriendly and cruel people toward some unknown destination in the darkness. They began shouting and hurling insults at me, demanding that I hurry along. And they refused to answer any question. Finally, I told them that I wouldn't go any farther. At that time they changed completely. They became much more aggressive and insisted that I was going with them. A number of them began to push and shove me, and I responded by hitting back at them.

    A wild orgy of frenzied taunting, screaming and hitting ensued. I fought like a wild man. All the while it was obvious that they were having great fun. It seemed to be, almost, a game for them, with me as the center-piece of their amusement. My pain became their pleasure. They seemed to want to make me hurt by clawing at me and biting me. Whenever I would get one off me, there were five more to replace the one.

    By this time it was almost complete darkness, and I had the sense that instead of there being twenty or thirty, there were an innumerable host of them. Each one seemed set on coming in for the sport they got from hurting me. My attempts to fight back only provoked greater merriment. They began to physically humiliate me in the most degrading ways. As I continued to fight on and on, I was aware that they weren't in any hurry to win. They were playing with me just as a cat plays with a mouse. Every new assault brought howls of cacophony. Then at some point, they began to tear off pieces of my flesh. To my horror I realized I was being taken apart and eaten alive, slowly, so that their entertainment would last as long a possible. At no time did I ever have any sense that the beings who seduced and attacked me were anything other than human beings. The best way I can describe them is to think of the worst imaginable person stripped of every impulse to do good. Some of them seemed to be able to tell others what to do, but I had no sense of any structure or hierarchy in an organizational sense. They didn't appear to be controlled or directed by anyone. Basically they were a mob of beings totally driven by unbridled cruelty and passions.

    During our struggle I noticed that they seemed to feel no pain. Other than that they appeared to possess no special non-human or super-human abilities. Although during my initial experience with them I assumed that they were clothed, in our intimate physical contact I never felt any clothing whatsoever.

    Fighting well and hard for a long time, ultimately I was spent. Lying there exhausted amongst them, they began to calm down since I was no longer the amusement that I had been. Most of the beings gave up in disappointment because I was no longer amusing, but a few still picked and gnawed at me and ridiculed me for no longer being any fun. By this time I had been pretty much taken apart. People were still picking at me, occasionally, and I just lay there all torn up, unable to resist.

    Exactly what happened was ... and I'm not going to try and explain this. From inside of me I felt a voice, my voice, say, "Pray to God." My mind responded to that, "I don't pray. I don't know how to pray." This is a guy lying on the ground in the darkness surrounded by what appeared to be dozens if not hundreds and hundreds of vicious creatures who had just torn him up. The situation seemed utterly hopeless, and I seemed beyond any possible help whether I believed in God or not. The voice again told me to pray to God.

    When the light came near, its radiance spilled over me, and I just rose up - not with my effort - I just lifted up. Then I saw - and I saw this very plainly - I saw all my wounds, all my tears, all my brokenness, melt away. And I became whole in this radiance. What I did was to cry uncontrollably. I was crying, not out of sadness, but because I was feeling things that I had never felt before in my life.

    The light conveyed to me that it loved me in a way that I can't begin to express. It loved me in a way that I had never known that love could possibly be. He was a concentrated field of energy, radiant in splendor indescribable, except to say goodness and love. This was more loving than one can imagine. I knew that this radiant being was powerful. It was making me feel so good all over. I could feel its light on me - like very gentle hands around me. And I could feel it holding me. But it was loving me with overwhelming power. After what I had been through, to be completely known, accepted, and intensely loved by this Being of Light surpassed anything I had known or could have imagined. I began to cry and the tears kept coming and coming. And we, I and this light, went up and out of there.

    To my surprise, and also distress, they seemed to be capable of knowing everything I was thinking. I didn't know whether I would be capable of controlling my thoughts and keeping anything secret. We began to engage in thought exchange, conversation that was very natural, very easy and casual. I heard their voices clearly and individually. They each had a distinct personality with a voice, but they spoke directly to my mind, not my ears. And they used normal, colloquial English. Everything I thought, they knew.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Not personally, but this account is reliable, even though it wasn't "hellish". I know because it happened to my twin sister and I was the cause of her being concussed and taken to hospital. It happened in 1951 before she knew about God or religion and before the first satellite photos of earth were taken. Please note:

    1) My sister did not see Jesus, or God or angels or dead relatives.

    2) Nobody asked her to relate any experience after she revived.

    3) The fact that this account is different to most other NDE’s is good. If every experience was exactly the same, the accusation would be made that it was an inbuilt evolutionary coping mechanism, or some such thing. Differences in details indicate a lack of collaboration with others, or of being influenced by a common story.

    Here is her story: “When I was a toddler I was concussed, breaking my collar-bone, and was taken to hospital. I was too young to remember anything after hitting the ground (though I have a clear memory of the events leading up to the fall). I learned afterwards that the doctors in the hospital had to resuscitate me. One vivid memory was of looking down on planet earth from being way out in the universe. The blackness of the universe contrasted sharply with the vivid colours of earth. Linking me to the earth was a thin silvery thread or cord that curved from my left side down, down, down, back to earth. That dream-like snap-shot memory didn't make any sense until I was much older.

    Despite parental teaching that there is nothing after death - no soul, no awareness - I later noted what Ecclesiastes chapter 12 says about the silver cord being broken at death, and our spirits returning to God, who gave them. I now realise that I was on my way back to God - my spirit had left my toddler body in the hospital. But it clearly wasn't my time, so I was brought back. Don't forget - this was when I was no more than a toddler - in the early 1950s, decades before out-of-body experiences were of popular interest, before satellites were orbiting earth sending back photos in November 1959, before we even had a black and white TV in our home. How could a toddler know she lived on a planet that looked like that, from outer space, a planet that was round and brilliantly coloured? And where in all creation would she 'know' about that silver cord?”

    Check out the links below for more information on what has happened to other people. Howard Storm was an atheist, by the way. LM

  • 7 years ago

    many people supposedly have had. personally i don't believe it.

    it your brains imagination. same thing as tripping on acid. some people have bad trips. there is a lot in the subconscious level that we have no idea about.

    docs have no idea how the brain works. don't take my word for it, search it online. same reason never to have psychotropic drugs. unlike a disease, where a doc can actually show parasites in blood, etc under a microscope, mental problems have no such conclusive proof. it's just theories, and actually just a huge business that profits on human misery.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I saw hell when I was being brutally raped by a priest. The hell I saw was pretty much the same as reality but all the people I had ever meet were there and cheering the priest on. That was all I remembered I think the priest slammed my head against the stone wall after that cause I woke up days later in a hospital

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  • 7 years ago

    You should also ask for stories from people having bad acid trips.

    Or other bad stories from times when the brain is assaulted with powerful neurotransmitters.

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