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What is a long-lasting, mature relationship?

Just some background information: I'm a sixteen-year old male. I've been in a couple of relationships which were not particularly "mature," as I've come to realize. People say I'm more mature than many others my age, but definitely not in that sector.

My question is: how would YOU define a mature relationship? I honestly do not have a clue as to what one might look like besides maybe seeing movies or TV shows on the matter. Thank you in advance.

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    I'd say a relationship becomes mature when it is "tried and true". The couple first has to go through a series of problems and emerge together afterwards.This shows that they are compatible and that they can face problems in the later parts of life (after school-work,retirement,finance etc.) and still be together after it all.Ideally,they wouldn't clash in opinions or alternatively they could clash in opinions,but would know how to discuss and differentiate those opinions and reach a satisfying conclusion for both ends.Also,willingness to sacrifice themselves for the other side is a sign of a mature relationship,however it is too weak on it's own.Love is fickle,a person may passionately love one moment,but be sober the next.If a couple can adapt to that,or if somehow that love remains constant,that is when it is a mature couple.Granted,I haven't been in a relationship myself,but this is my understanding of a mature one.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It sounds like they have a better chance at a lasting relationship than most. The only problem they might have is, people change as they get older. Who knows if they would grow apart, it's a chance we all have to take.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Answers given in For Couples Only, Shaunti Feldhahn.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    You need to be able to empathize with your partner's feelings and plan ahead, years in advance, while never forgetting about what's happening today.

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  • 7 years ago

    Perhaps 'maturity' is involved when we stay together long enough to fulfil our biological functions of survival, meeting, mating, reproducing and raising the kids so they can survive and meet and....

    If you make it through the biological stage/function of your life, perhaps you will live long enough to find Love!

    It is Love that 'matures' animal!

    Without that Love, real Love, transcendental Love, Virtuous Happy Love, one is never truly mature! And even then, Love is still an ever deepening thing, always finding dark corners to illumine/Love!!

    You aren't even physically mature until about 30!

    Life begins at 40!

    At 16, I wouldn't worry about 'mature relationships', you have no idea even who and what you are!

    Just keep willie in your pants and pay attention!

    Know Thyself!

    You want to improve your chances to be 'happy/content'?


    "Do what you know to be right, say what you know to be true, and leave with faith and patience the consequences to god!" - F.W. Robertson

    This ^ is the essence of 'Faith'/Love! Robertson calls Us 'God', but call Us whatever works for you; the Universe, Nature, Tao, Truth, Consciousness, Buddha, 'Self!'!, The Great Balloon Butted Big Bellied Bimbo in the Sky... whatever..., they all refer to the same One Reality, the same One Truth!

    We Are All

    One Omni- 'Self!'!

    "Do NOT do to 'others' what you don't want done to you!"

    (EVERYTHING in the Universe (and everyone), is 'others' (and 'others' Is Self!)!

    Understand that;

    "The acceptance and understanding of other Perspectives furthers our acquaintance with Reality!"

    and always remember that;

    "Charity is not taking more than your share, of anything! Ever!"

    “Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

    "Wage Love, practice Compassion!"

    Love requires practice, like a fine violin!

    Practice! Practice! Practice!

    tat tvam asi (

    Results guaranteed! *__-

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Being friends is most important. You have to care about what each other cares about. You need to be able to share personal things with each other, trust each other and be devoted to each other. You should see each other regularly. It doesn't really matter what you's more just sharing time with each other. If you are comfortable with each other, there won't be any jealousy to mess things up. There should be no coercion, the relationship should be easy. If it's right, you just 'fit'.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    keeping promises, forgiving each other easily when something goes wrong, be able to sacrifice for one another. Now that's mature.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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