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I play football, lacrosse, and drums. I also love languages.

  • How can you speed up time?

    I hate high school. It is undeniably the worst place to put a load of puberty-experiencing teenagers who lack maturity and thrive on impulse in one single building for long periods of time. The only way I have found to pass the time is by suffering through every minute of it one second at a time. So how can I better pass the time and finally get through these last two years of high school? Please try not to tell me that I should experience every moment of it because I'll miss it later in life. I hate this place and all I want to do is get out...

    4 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Lazy vs active state of mind?

    Do you ever feel as though one side of you wants to be lazy, inactive, do nothing in life, be mediocre, have no future plans, never do anything tough, be greedy of free time, or be a couch potato? This side is like the sadness you feel when your summer break has just ended back in those high school days, or like when you're leaving for college...

    Then there's the side of you that wants to be all they can be, do everything, always be active, have a tough lifestyle, never sleep or rest, or be just completely perfect? This is something like an optimistic, non-stop personality...

    If you do feel this sense of two inactive and active sides of yourself, why do you think you have them? Why do you always want to be on that very same summer break you were before? Any other thoughts?

    It's sort of like the thought: "I wish this break could be just a few days longer," or " I really dread going back to work on Monday."

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What am I if all the dreams I've dreamt don't come true?

    What am I if all the dreams I've dreamt don't come true? What am I if my hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the life I've always wanted crash and burn in a heep of flaming thoughts? What do people do when their very supposed existence in life and the world are demolished with no sign of return? Are we forever lost as a result? I reckon such a happening would diminish all that I call my life as a whole and the end result would be failure. This leads me to another one of many questions I've just asked. What is failure?

    Try to answer all of them, which is manageable because they're all closely related.

    1 AnswerPhilosophy6 years ago
  • In your opinion, when does one get out of a relationship?

    What are some valid reasons to leave a relationship? What should one consider in that? Lastly, how do you deal with doubt while in one? Is doubt a normal thing to feel?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do you deal with less mature people than you?

    High school can be very difficult. One of the things I find most difficult is simply dealing with all the infantile, undeniably impulsive people that walk through the halls of my high school. What are ways I may cope with such things, and any other tips would be appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Do I have a UTI or what?

    It started last night after I masturbated when I felt a pressure in my urethra as if I was going to have to urinate in a minute or two. An hour past, then another. I couldn't sleep at all for a while and eventually did, but not enough.

    I woke up 6 hours later, urinated a small amount and I thought I was finally relieved, but one minute later the feeling arrived again. It's basically like urination "anxiety" if I can call it that, where you know you're gonna have to go soon. But it never does and it's insanely irritating.

    I have no other symptoms really. Not anything besides the urge to pee, almost nothing coming out, and a slight fullness in my urethra--no more that apply to the typical UTI symptoms. Anyhow, what is this? What should I do to treat this?

    So far, all I've done is drink lots of water, orange juice (which is said to make your urethra acidic resulting in no bacteria), and peeing whenever I have to. It's really annoying and worrying, please help! Thanks!

    1 AnswerMen's Health7 years ago
  • What is this bump on my penis?

    Let's just start by saying no, I haven't had any form of sex. It showed up today as a small bump which looked like an ingrown hair, but I can't remember much cuz I didn't care then. I popped it and a little blood came out. I then sprayed some peroxide on it to disinfect and it stopped bleeding (only a little blood though). I checked it later this day and it was a lot bigger. Smaller than the diameter of a dime, but pretty close, I guess.

    Then I got worried. I scanned the internet and came up with a sebaceous cyst or just a cyst as my prognosis. It doesn't hurt, doesn't look any different than regular penile skin besides the dried, healed blood/hole from earlier, and it is obviously raised about a centimeter from the rest of the skin, but who knows the real height.

    Anyway, what is it? Can I pop it with a needle? Should I see a doctor? What're your thoughts?

    I would love health professionals to answer, but otherwise, make it somewhat detailed. I'm kind of scared...Also, I'm 16, a virgin, I have acne, and I just stopped taking doxycycline about 2 weeks ago if that background info matters. Thanks!

    4 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Why does this girl say so few words?

    Well basically I'm texting this girl I met a few days ago, and I know it's only texting, but she says almost nothing. She says about 1-5 words per text and rarely goes over 10 or 15. Moreover, those approximate 1-5 words usually consist of "oh," "haha," "okay," and or "yeah."

    Now, what does this mean?

    1) She doesn't care

    2) She's superficial

    3) She's shy

    4) She prefers talking in person

    5) I'm over-thinking it, or

    6) She naturally doesn't talk much

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is a long-lasting, mature relationship?

    Just some background information: I'm a sixteen-year old male. I've been in a couple of relationships which were not particularly "mature," as I've come to realize. People say I'm more mature than many others my age, but definitely not in that sector.

    My question is: how would YOU define a mature relationship? I honestly do not have a clue as to what one might look like besides maybe seeing movies or TV shows on the matter. Thank you in advance.

    8 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Poems about the American Dream?

    I need a poem about the American Dream that describes its intangibility and non-existence. It has to be almost cryptic in speech and must not be from more modern times. Thank you in advance!

    2 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Poems about the American Dream?

    I need a poem about the American Dream that describes its intangibility and non-existence. It has to be almost cryptic in speech and must not be from more modern times. Thank you in advance!

    1 AnswerPoetry7 years ago
  • Are these real psychology concepts?

    Is there any real psychology concepts or terms relating to these following questions?

    1) What is it called when you like or identify with one culture or country over another?

    2) What is it called when you really yearn assimilating with another culture?

    Lastly 3) What is it called when (this is from a quote) you learn a country's language, its culture and its people, but they never accept you as their countrymen?

    Please explain your answers long or short, but thoroughly.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Confused about "nationality terms" for myself?

    Well basically my grandfather is Polish (Kuberski) while my grandmother is German (Kohlbrenner). They had my mother and she married my father whose family is entirely Irish (Carney), as far as I know.That is pretty much all I know about different heritages in my family and I'm almost positive there's no other "mix ups" or "cross-breeding" between other persons with other nationalities.

    Anyways, would it be politically correct to call myself German-American, Irish-American, or Polish-American? Or simply just American because America is, after all, the land of immigrants...Please clear this up for me. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersGenealogy7 years ago
  • Questions about Pantheism?

    I've just recently researched the idea of Pantheism as a religion. Right now I'm atheist, but it seems like I'm more of a conservative Pantheist because I've read that Pantheists revere nature and I've gotten the impression that they're weird hippy-type people...Is this right to say? If not, explain. Secondly, how do you practice Pantheism (if even at all). I probably won't "practice" it per say, but I want to know how they do it...Lastly, when they say they revere the Universe, what do they think of it? I personally think the Universe has many different forces (some of which are unknown) and they control everything in which we live. I also think nature is important, but I'm not a hippy-type person where I'll be going out and fighting for nature and possibly dancing around outside with my Pantheist friends at a camp side. You know what I mean, right? Thanks in advance...

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do these dilemmas occur in all languages?

    Note that while I'm mostly referring to German and Italian, these "dilemmas" (or difficulties) apply to every language.

    Dilemma 1: I can almost not hear anything while listening. I'm not sure about you, but listening is hard, and I mean real hard! It's almost ridiculous that I can't hear basic words in German, and more extremely, Italian. Italian speakers are simply too fast for me. I might be able to pick up one or two words, but that's it. So why is it so hard to listen? Do you feel the same way, and how can I get better?

    Dilemma 2: It's very hard to learn the vocabulary itself. I know it's unrealistic to expect myself to learn any foreign language in a day, but sometimes I can't even memorize a few words that I just learned via my German books five minutes ago. That's pretty sad, to be perfectly honest, and it actually angers me. Again, why is it hard, do you share the same opinions, and how can I get better at learning vocabulary?

    Thanks in advance, and for future reference I'm better at German than I am at Italian because I've been learning it longer at school.

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Do you ever feel this way?

    Do you ever feel as if you're barely getting by the years emotionally intact? As if you might just crumble down any second in time and lose yourself?

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Do you ever feel this way?

    Do you ever feel as if you're barely getting by the years emotionally intact? As if you might just crumble down any second in time and lose yourself?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago