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My parents don't let me drink soda during the week! Somebody please answer!?

Ok, so, I am 13 years old and I don't really like anything but Soda, I am only drink it during the weekend and on special occasions. I would buy it myself if my parents would let me drink it during the week. How do I convince them to let me drink it during the week even if I buy it myself?

10 Answers

  • y
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I am one of those parents and there is nothing that you could say. That would allow me to allow you to put more empty calories into your body. There isn't any need for them. I would try very hard for whatever you put into your body to have some sort of nutritional value at your age, same as I do with very little success for my 12 year old daughter.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    you shouldnt drink it during the week. there is so much sugar in sodas you can end up getting diabetes. and soda gets your body dehydrated and fat. drink flavored water. your parents are doing that for your own good.

  • 7 years ago

    It's probably not a money issue. They probably don't want you to drink too much soda because its unhealthy.

  • 7 years ago

    well when a parent tells you to not drink soda its cause there child gets crazy when they drink it

    also they dont want you having diabetes or **** up you teeth u not suppose to drink so much soda cause your teeth get **** up u need to have nice teeth.

    or probably your parents are just crazy but they just want you to be healthy.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Soda is really unhealthy. If I hadn't drink soda all the time when I was younger I probably wouldn't he 140lbs ( I'm 5'1)

    Be thankful your parents want you healthy

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Ok so honestly you may not like this answer but I think your parents are kind of right. I'm almost 15, and my parents limit my soda intake to 1 per day. Tbh, it isn't that bad. If you think of all the bad stuff soda has in it and stuff... You should try and find a juice you like instead. I LOVE v8 peach mango juice.

    Now, if you really and I mean REALLY want that soda, just explain to your parents like you did above. Tell them you'll buy your own soda and that when your drinking it you'll be very conscious of how much you have.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I personally think they are doing you a favour. I don't mean any disrespect but I was just like you. I loved Soda and I drank it often during the week after school. Sodas have an excessive amount of sugar.. you would be shocked if you physically saw the amount of sugar that was in each can of soda. I was overweight at a young age, I indulged in all of the good stuff because I didn't know any better and it obviously tasted great.

    I think they are reducing the amount of soda that you drink for your health. The more you drink, the worse it is for your body and your health.

    I really think that you can enjoy your soda but you should really limit it. Work out a deal with them. Tell them that they can buy the sodas and you can workout a deal of how much you will consume per week. It's a honour system and it will allow them to trust you more and for you to get a little bit more soda a week.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Listen to your parents, if you knew what was actually in soda you wouldn't be drinking it

  • 7 years ago

    Soda isn't good for you. I know when you're that age you don't care... but really it effects your thinking and your physical body so your parents are just looking out for you.

    I gave up soda, sugar and a bunch of stuff and feel so much better for it.

    Anyway, try different stuff. Get your parents to make you fruit smoothies. Or ask them if they would buy a carbonator (makes things fizzy) so you can carbonate fruit juice. I bet you they say yes, just tell them it's healthy.

  • 7 years ago

    they dont like to see you enjoy things

    Source(s): my mama does this with me and my video games
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