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is there a word sounding like 'vee-kus', meaning 'dudes'?


it's what michael angelo says at the begining of 116th episode of TMNT.

Update 2:

He says: check it out! vee-KUS. the latest issue of Alian Invaders.

Update 3:

He says: “check it out! vee-KUS. the latest issue of Alian Invaders.”

title of this episode is ZACK AND THE ALIAN INVADERS

IT'S A 1980's version of TMNT.

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago

    Don't know one but the word 'dude' originated in the 19th century as America slang for a well dressed person, perhaps out of place. The word possible comes from 'Yankee Doodle Dandy', short for 'doodle' as this character was always depicted as vastly overdressed. Or it could be from the Scorttish word 'duddies' meaning clothes and in Britain we say 'he's wearing his best duds'.

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