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What is the meaning of Janitor's?

2 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    that which belongs to the Janitor.  The use of the capital "J" means that the role is a designated one, a title of sorts.  The Doctor versus the doctor.  Not just any doctor, but THE Doctor.  Not a president, the President. not a janitor, but the Janitor.

    A janitor is a person who does the general maintenance and basic repairs for an institution or facility.  I assume that the Janitor (a janitor, any janitor) would have tools and other things appropriate to the job that are for his use only.  Those things are the Janitor's (or the janitor's, or the janitors' if several janitors).  Not yours, not mine, the Janitor's.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    A janitor is basically the guy who cleans the toilets.

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