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can auto trannys be adjusted to shift at a differnt RPM?

my engine is done at about 5000 rpm and tranny shifts at 5500/6000,, when I bought it it had bent pushrods and broken rocker arms.,,runs good otherwise..1969 350 ci with turbo 350 tranny

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Governor controls shift RPM's. There are kits found to modify the shift points via the govenor.

    Edit: Please, mr thumb downer, tell me how the governor isn't what governs shift points. Please, oh genius.

  • 7 years ago

    Properly set lifter preload and you'll extend your useable rev range by 500 rpm on the bottom and on the top.

    Source(s): Camshaft design/manufacture, full competition race engine bldg/dvlpmnt, intrnal component failure analysis, Carb blueprinting, drivability/MPG/durability expert, chem analysis of fuel, super-tuner. I'll help/advise you, make/sell you cams. I WON't pick a competitors cam for you or share cam specs upfront with shoppers, so don't ask. I get MANY emails from Yahoo Answers. A few buyers from here, even. I WILL answer a private email or two, but please don't slam me with endless emails/questions.
  • 7 years ago

    Yes, you can, but on that car it requires adjusting the valve body inside the transmission.

  • 7 years ago

    on some of the older ones you can adjust the vacuum modulator on the transmission so it will change sooner or later ! pull the hose off of the modulator and there should be a small screw up in there that you turn !

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes as long as you don't do it in the men's room.

  • 7 years ago

    the transmission automatically shifts. you can shift at 2,000 3,000 etc. or even at the redline.

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