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Lv 4

Can you tell me the rhyme and reason for this statement?

We love our neighbors because doing so is one way of showing we love God. God loves you, and thus by serving you, we serve Him. We show you the same love He has for you, because that love is wonderful and needs to be shared.

Without God's love, what motivation does ANYONE have to serve anyone else? Guilt? Feels? Community service? The chance to hold a debt over someone's head? Does any of that really matter in the end?

It doesn't make sense to me. Can you make sense of it and explain what this person is trying to say in this answer?

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Jesus commands us to spiritually love God, others and self. Here's what loving others can look like:

    Matthew 25:34-40 (NKJV)

    34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’

    37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

  • 7 years ago

    It is thoroughly clear to me. Perhaps if you read it in a different 'translation' it will be clearer to you. Try the "Good News" edition.

  • 7 years ago

    They are trying to con you into believing a god exists in their mind and it is killing them that they can be controlled so easily!!! No actual gods or devils exist anywhere outside of any ones inculcated minds!!! If anything con man made up organizations or religions said was true then this forum would be unnecessary!!! Because then we would all be able to talk "man to god" with a real god not just talk about an imaginary concept of one!!!

  • 7 years ago

    yes it is what god says in the bible

    love others and do unto hem as you would have them do unto you

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