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Can the HOA do this?

Because I challenged the HOA for violating city municipal code(s) and they were required to change their practices, I have become a target.

I am getting "violations" and "fines" and "letters" from the HOA accusing me of things I don't do, saying "a resident complained" or "you were seen doing..."

The things they are accusing me of are completely untrue and they are even accusing me of "harassing" people I've never even spoken to, such as the pool cleaner or the maintenance worker.

The letters begin by saying "The Board of Directors were informed.." but it never says who told who and it's not even true.

What can I do?

6 Answers

  • BBG
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You need to read the bylaws of the HOA. Surely there is a process by which you can contest or appeal a violation or fine,

    That being said, if you have pissed off the majority of the people where you live I can't imagine they will side in your favor.

    If you want to stay where you are clearly no longer wanted then you will probably need to get an attorney - or make amends.

    I hope it was an issue you felt VERY strongly about because you are certainly in an unpleasant situation now!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I would just tell them you weren't doing that and they must have had the wrong person. Make sure its in writing.

  • tro
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    make the show proof, or you can file for harassment

    if they can't prove these allegations they have nothing they can do

  • 7 years ago

    You get an attorney or speak with legal aid about filing some sort of order so they stop harassing you.

    Then, you sit down with the board and you professionally have it out with them.

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  • 7 years ago


  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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