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MTR 2.0 asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 7 years ago

If women are not reporting rape?

Does that mean they are perpetuating rape culture?


By Odin's raven post you scurvy cur!

Update 2:

Post haste post!

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. The victims are not the cause. They're the effect. However, that IS what rape culture perpetuates...victim blaming.

    @MTR 2.0

    It doesn't even matter if they reported it if they live in a society that will not accept what happened to her was rape and instead call her a wh0re who shouldn't have been drinking, or wearing that tight dress etc, etc. Know what I'm saying? Same goes for the guys who get raped in prison. Society tends to see it as a consequence for not following the law and rarely takes these types of rape victims seriously, whether they report it or not. In fact, if they report it they are only likely to be made fun of or victimized further.

    @MTR 2.0

    First of all, I'm not a feminist, nor am I an anti-feminist, which is why I do not get hung up on catch words and instead choose to use the ones that actually make sense. Rape culture does exist in our society and choosing to deny it just because you do not want to support any ideology that is associated with feminism is like throwing the baby out with the bath water. It's illogical and damaging in the long run.

    You said: "I am not as cynical as you, and I believe people in general are more interested in living in a just society, than validating a feminist stereotype."

    You do realize that our society was built on the backs of slaves and child labourors, right? I'm not "cynical," I'm just realistic and have studied history and human nature. Human beings absolutely will treat their fellow humans like property and will violate their human rights if not held to higher standards.

    @Common Sense

    They can't, but is it the fault of the victim for not wanting to report a crime that the police will not take seriously or even acknowledge as a crime, or is it the fault of the police and the legal system for failing these victims? Both genders are affected by this. Men will rarely report being sexually assaulted by a woman either, mostly because of our society's refusal to acknowledge woman on man sexual assault as being something he should have the right to be upset about. That is a clear example of rape culture.

    @MTR 2.0

    I have no idea why you have the stance you do about any term that is associated with feminism. Your anti-feminist stance has closed your mind in a dangerous manner. Society has gotten better because people have made waves and said uncomfortable truths that were initially denied by the masses, just as you are denying rape culture, even though it absolutely does exist and I already gave examples of it.

    @Common Sense

    Tell that to the women in the Middle East who will be prosecuted for adultery if they report a rape. Are they perpetuating rape culture by not reporting it, or are they victims of a broken system who are just doing their best to survive? Expecting victims to ask help from people who will do nothing but make their situation worse is extremely illogical. You have to fix the broken system before you can honestly expect victims to come forward and ask for help. Why ask help if you know it will only make the situation worse?

    If victims aren't coming forward, there is obviously still more work to do to make it feel safe enough to do so.

    @MTR 2.0

    You said: "The term "rape culture" is thought terminating rhetoric"

    How so? Please explain why that phrase is somehow "thought terminating?" If it clearly describes something that is actually happening, then it is the opposite of thought terminating. It is thought provoking and a potential catalyst for change.

    @MTR 2.0

    No, I am not Yac. Common Sense knows who I am, and I'm appreciative that he does not out me. I have too many "admirers" to post under my actual user name anymore. It causes way too much drama. I'm here to answer questions, not deal with stalkers.

    @MTR 2.0

    No, but you do have to prove it if you claim that rape culture does not exist. That is a claim unto itself and it IS your burden to prove it.

    @Common Sense

    I've already answered this. If people are afraid to report because of a broken system, then the problem does not lie with the victims, it lies with the broken system. The system needs to be fixed before it is reasonable to expect victims to come forward. The victims who do not report are not the cause. They are the effect.

    @MTR 2.0

    You said: "I think you need to demonstrate what you mean by this statement "a crime police will not take seriously"."

    For instance, why would a guy report being raped by a woman if he's only likely to be laughed at or told that he should have enjoyed it?

    @MTR 2.0

    You said: "It is a meaningless term. Rhetoric. It is an inflammatory statement designed to evoke emotions."

    No it's not. It is an actual term with an actual definition that absolutely does match what happens in our society. Just because you may find it to be inflammatory does not mean it is not true. Lots of words evoke emotions, but if they are true, then the emotions are secondary to the truth of the words.

    I already gave examples of rape culture. If you choose to ignore those examples, then it is you who is refusing to engage in logical debate. I have done enough to prove my stance, now you tell me how the examples I gave are somehow not examples or rape culture.

    @MTR 2.0

    You said: "I don't want to talk in circles though. If that is how you feel, we must simply disagree on the matter."

    It is of course your right to bow out of this debate if you wish, but do not expect me to "agree to disagree." I feel I have already proven my stance quite well. Your refusal to acknowledge that is your business.

    @MTR 2.0

    You now seem to be trying to strawman the whole concept of rape culture and make it out to be some victimhood concept that encourages rape victims not to report or testify. WTH? That is not the case at all. Asking society and the legal system to change its attitude toward certain types of rape victims is not promoting victimhood. Expecting victims to come forward when the system is still hostile toward them IS promoting victimhood, because not only have they been vicitmized once, but coming forward will only cause them to be victimized by the system too. The system needs to be fixed. Asking for people to acknowledge that and do something about it is the logical way to get victims to feel safe about reporting these crimes. Otherwise it is stupid to expect a rape victim to report the crime if all they will get is humiliating and maybe even a legal suit against them in return.


    The crime has to actually be acknowledge as a crime before someone can report it and be taken seriously. That is what I keep trying to say and you keep trying to make it about something else entirely. If the police do not even see a woman on man rape as a crime, how exactly is the victim going to get any help? They may even be accused of being the one who committed the crime if the woman then claims that she was the victim.

    Just because you personally have a problem with people using that phrase to describe the very real issue does not mean that the phrase should not be used or is somehow not true. You need to get over your aversion to the phrase. I refuse to enable your anti-feminist refusal to engage any words that are associated with feminism. It's immature and extremely unreasonable. Snap out of it.


    I have no idea what country you come from, so I have no way of knowing if you're right about that or not. If it's true, then congratulations. I can not say the same for my country, the U.S., we have quite a ways to go stll.

    By the way, how in the world would you think I'm Yac? There is nothing similar about our writing styles at all. She is also a big hearted, warm and empathetic feminist. I'm a hardened, ruthless libertarian.


    Lol, well you clearly are anti-feminist to the point of using anti-feminist circular is feminist rhetoric, therefore it must be discounted on principle, lol. I never called you sexist though. I'm pretty sure I'm a lot more sexist than you are and I never claim that just because something is sexist that it automatically makes it wrong or untrue.

    I come from the Southern states. It's still really backwards down there.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    As you know I don't think western societies promote rape and are therefore not rape cultures.

    I do find it interesting that feminists will on the one hand state most women won't report rape. For example in the N.Z. questions 2 days ago, they stated 90% of rape victims did not report the crime against them, but often in the very same answer, stated how appalled that there are not more convictions, blaming the system.

    How they expect the system to prosecute and convict people based on crimes that women are not reporting is what makes no sense to me. Some of these same feminists acknowledge, that actual conviction rates as they are supposed to be measured are above 50%.

    So along the lines of what you are asking, if feminists believe 90% of rapes go unreported, but are frustrated what most rapes, including these unreported rapes never result in a conviction, the solution is obvious: These women need to start reporting the crimes against them.

    If what feminists claim is true, even getting half of those who are currently not reporting the alleged rapes, would report them, the number of criminals found guilty would more than double.

  • 7 years ago


    Men are the ones complaining about how they're ''unable'' to report rape and never speak up.

    They're the main perpetrators here, even if some women don't report all rape cases.

    No one has to say 'yes' or 'no' to answer this question correctly.

    Boo effin' hoo.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes everyone should report rape to prevent it

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  • 7 years ago

    they are feared

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