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Do you believe the book of James is scripture?

James says faith is dead without works which means although works don't save, they certainly play a role in our salvation. Do you believe James is scripture or not?

12 Answers

  • G C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Without works (or doing as God commands) your faith is not real.

    For example: Unless you repent (an action), are baptized (a passive action) and resurrected to live an obedient life (again an action to be obedient) you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • 7 years ago

    The epistle of James is just as holy as the Gospel of Jesus.

    When the catholic church canonized the bible, the epistle of James was also canonized.

    So, the verse meanly means: after all the talking, time to do it in action.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    James was the head of the Church in jerusalem , and then executed in AD.42 , it is very scriptural , the anointing of the sick is versed in his epistle

  • Jess
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Of course faith without works is dead. Abraham is the best example. He had faith but his works proved his faith. They are not talking about works to get to heaven. They are talking about how you act towards the faith you have. Ok example. You ask The Lord for a job. Do you just sit at your computer and play games all the time after asking Him for a job? If you believe God will gve you a job, you have to look for a job, and He will make the best one suitable for you...possible. That is faith with works!

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    yes we all are saved by christ by believing.But to make Gods word live in us and through us we have to practice what we preach. many people pervert the Word by studying it so much and using it to judge things that they wouldnt judge if they tried living it

    when we believe it is good then what would we be saying not to act on a good thing?

    the pharisees would always judge by scripture not by true experience acting on the good news. just like when they wanted to stone that woman they were so quick to punish for sin without seeing they were sinners too. love isnt about whats convenient but sometimes going against manmade values to show we know in our hearts whats right


  • 7 years ago

    Yes it is scripture-

  • 7 years ago

    Of course it's scripture. It's very wise writing. However, stop putting up snippets; that won't do. If you want to talk about James, then read it through (preferably with a commentary) and get an idea of what James is actually saying, not to win an argument, but to find out what the facts are. James has always impressed me as very pragmatic.

    He's well aware of the importance of faith, but he then says, "Okay, faith is VERY IMPORTANT. However, if you say you have faith, and you display no works, then what can of faith can we say we see in you?"

    Seems pretty reasonable to me. Only when you get into one-up-manship do you get into the competition silliness that allows folks to say, "Hey, man! My faith is better than YOURS!" Christians don't compete; they love and let go of the need to be best and they let go of the need to be right.

    James is wise, but you need to read all of it. Reading the other epistles won't hurt a bit either.

    Do I ask for too much? Oh well, I live in hope....

  • 7 years ago

    Yes, James is one of the better books in the Bible.

    Source(s): or (that is l as in latter-day saint)
  • 7 years ago

    Pretty sure that wasn't just James...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    if it is text and enough people think it is holy, then it's scripture.

    edit: a person can claim to have faith, but if he shows no Christian values (like compassion and charity and selflessness), then how does that person truly have a Christian faith?

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