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Diet advice please?

My typical diet/fitness routine is this:

3/4 cup high fiber cereal, skim milk in the morning

I drink water, diet soda, or light juice throughout my work day (I don't take a lunch)

dinner is typically a small serving of black bean soup/other vegetarian soup or grilled vegetables/ 1/2 cup of brown rice (I am a vegetarian so I don't eat meat unless it's the occasional shrimp)

A once a week splurge for me is either 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or 1 ounce of cheddar

I drink more water etc. until bedtime. If I feel like I need a snack, it's typically 40 pretzels or Activia light Greek yogurt.

I do my very best to not exceed 1200 calories tops.

I exercise every day after work, 1 hr, 45 minutes on Monday/Wednesday (tabata, yoga) and 1 hour on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (tabata, hip hop class)

I very quickly dropped 7 pounds but am currently stuck at 133 pounds. Do I need to trim more calories or is there something else here that is sabotaging me from losing more weight? My goal is 123 pounds. Thanks in advance for suggestions.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Stop drinking soda, even diet.

    That doesn't even sound like 1200 calories. Honestly, your body need nourishment to function properly. You may not be eating enough.

    Also, the workouts you list will build some muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, you may be right now at a time when you are gaining muscle and losing fat but there is no change in your number on the scale. This happens. Worry less about what the scale says.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hey, first of all congratulations on taking the first steps to getting in shape. It takes a lot to admit you have to change and frankly, it is going to be one of the best decisions you've ever made.

    Now doing just ONE thing is not going to give you the results you're looking for. It's better than nothing, but why not get ALL benefits in? Good news is, losing weight IS NOT difficult if you know a couple of tips&tricks that you can apply today, for free. I'd like to share with you a couple ones that all may seem like a small thing only but combine them and those things sure do add up!

    First: Don't eat too little. You read that correctly. If you don't eat enough you will actually slow down your metabolism which in turn makes it harder for your system to metabolize fat. Even worse, the slower your metabolism, the less calories you burn on autopilot. You want to burn as many calories passively as possible. So do eat, but the right foods!

    Second: Flavor your foods! Not only does this make healthy food taste better, it helps you increase your metabolic rate and this helps you burn calories passively. Add pepper to your meat, some dried herbs and if you feel adventurous some chili. These things among others come with zero calories but get your system to work.

    Third:Unfortunately, you DO have to do exercise. However, a 20 minute stroll through the park three times a week works wonders.So get out there and enjoy what nature has to offer!

    You see how easy those three tricks are? Combined they could be the edge.

    I don't want to write a novel here so for a couple more steps I'd like to refer you to the blog post I got those tips from

    Good luck! :)

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