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What will solve the issue with Palestine/Israel?

It doesn't seem like there is any answer to the conflict in gaze. If you ruled the world what would you do to end the conflict?

8 Answers

  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the Palestinian people renounce terrorism and accept Israel as the Jewish state

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Several steps

    1. Gaza to Egypt

    2. A Palestinian State in the West bank with Jewish inhabitants, as there are Arab settlement in Israel.

  • 7 years ago

    The force of unity will solve the issue. It makes a lot of sense, so if you really, I mean really are looking for the solution, then here you have it. But even a baby knows it is so, so the question is why we dont act if we already know the answer. What is wrong with us? Please check the video below and try really to listen to its message. It is worth gold!

  • 7 years ago

    I honestly don't know the answer. The situation is just getting more and more grim. Theres this video I saw on Reddit today that proposes a message that needs to be heard. Please give it a watch and share it for the people of Israel and Palestine.

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  • 7 years ago

    Ha, ha,...""adherence to international laws"...

    Primitive people love to use word ILLEGAL".

    Got them what they like is legal, and what they don't like is Illegal.

    Gaza problem could not be solved in anyway except one-solving ME problem.

    Today most dangerous to the world pME problem is not Israel-Palestinians problem.

    Today the most dangerous problem is a huge war coming between Iran and Sunni (Arab) Muslims.Arabs are already almost lost Iraq. And Arabs will lose Iraq if they will not ask Israel to stand with them against Iran.Moving Arabs from Gaza to Iraq will give Arabs majority and victory in this much more important historically and financially (oil) war.

  • 7 years ago

    Tell the world that a virulent virus or nuclear reactor on Ghaza's soil will ultimately kill everybody so they all escape else where, then the land will be vacant, a wilderness, like that city in Ukraine hehe

  • 7 years ago

    I don't know, but what makes this question so ridiculous is that it implies someone on yahoo answers knows the answer to that question. Not even the most sophisticated people on the planet have been able to figure this out, yet somehow the answer is lurking on yahoo?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Adherence to International law. Settlements are illegal. When South Africa refused to end its occupation of Namibia- it was forced to. When Iraq refused to leave Kuwait- it was forced to.

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