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nurgle69 asked in SportsCycling · 7 years ago

opinion on the attractiveness of men in women's cycling?

spotted that today, I don't follow cycling myself but it takes a while to get to the point but here it is


Yes, yes, it’s all a bit of fun - the light-hearted exclamation mark and Non-Threatening Boys Magazine tone of ASO’s announcement suggests as much - but dragging the Tour’s least savoury aspect (podium girls) into this new era by shunting podium boys onto the blocks for the denouement of La Course feels misguided.

(It also feels like a Get Out Of Jail Free card for any bloke who wants to silence feminist debate about the validity, in 2014, of employing podium girls in elite sport; “Well, we’ve had podium boys now, equality has been achieved, so be quiet!”)


I understand the second idea but would that really be so bad does anyone else see this as kind of wanting to pretend that, what to me is perfectly fine being that its okay to recognize that human like sexiness.

IF anything the only viewpoint i'd consider is someone making the point that it's very expectant of the sexuality of men or women in either case to present a very hetero-normative view, podium boys for girls, assumes the women cyclist all like boys.

any othe general views

7 Answers

  • Beery
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I'm not sure what your point is - are you suggesting men aren't sexy? If so, I think maybe women would disagree with you there.

    My opinion, either do the "podium boys" thing or get rid of gender-specific "podium girls" and have "podium people" with a boy and a girl doing whatever useless job they do up there at these sporting events. Maybe if men had to be up there, men would figure out how ludicrous the job is and the world would become just a tiny bit less sexist.

    As for the Tour de France, I've never really cared about it, but it does seem to be a boys club. If women can't compete at the same level, the Tour organizers should organize a full Tour de France for women. The 56 mile "La Course" thing seems kinda patronizing, not to mention the fact that it's probably a very cheap way of pretending to cater to women, and some old codger's idea of equal treatment (even though it actually underscores the inequality).

    This all just goes to show how ridiculously misogynistic our society is.

  • Tom C
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Its a difference in opinion.

    Why is it, that a sexy woman in society is usually scantily clad in something all "doll'd" up? Now look at the sexy men. Are they running around in shirtless fireman costumes? No, they are usually in an elegant cut suit.

    My point? Most men find attraction in women through appearance. Most women find attraction in men through status/class. Now obviously this is very much so a generalization and in no way a law to all people.

    So the second point, is not saying women are a "prize" but moreso it is to say that potentially half the population enjoy looking at something pretty. The other half doesn't NOT like to look at something pretty, so it all works out.

    For podium boys, its kind of a negative in both regards. I am sure guys don't care, or find it strange, while women don't care at all. So you go from a Like/Indifferent to a Dislike/Indifferent. Which one is more likely to win sponsors and marketing? Yeah, podium girls.

    Honestly instead of some girl or boy giving me a prize, I would rather some noted official or known name in the sport (regardless of gender) hand me my prize.

    Similar to the olympics, you don't see some random podium girl or boy handing out metals, it is usually a governing official of some sort.

  • 7 years ago

    The phenomenon of podium girls is a continuation of the nasty tradition of women as "prizes" for men, as if they were the princess in a fairy tale. Objectifying more people is not helpful, IMO.

    The hetero-normative aspect is just one small part of the problem. The bigger ones are treating women as "less than" and people as commodities.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hardcore fans of the Kardashians and those that idolize them belong in Guantanamo to suffer. That you can't deny! Only idiots idolize talentless reality tv "stars" who endorse narcissism, causing drama, and getting as much plastic surgery done as possible!

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  • John M
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Why do they give the Men flowers ? They just throw them away.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    yawn so what

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