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I need weight help badly?

Okay, I am freaking out...I think even on the verge of a panic attack and I just need some sound advice and a listening ear. I have been dieting for the month of July. working out between 6-8 hours a week. I began at a weight of 138 (height is 5'5") and lost the weight very quickly, to 132. I was very thrilled with my progress. Well, since then I have been on 2 mini vacations. I stuck to my diet very well but the only things I did differently was 1. not work out every day 2. I had low calorie cocktails on both vacays (wine and vodka/diet sprite). I did not have any cocktails/alcohol upon my return from vacation. Well, tonight I stepped on the scale and I weighed...138. In the month I have been dieting I have weighed myself frequently throughout the day (sometimes up to 6 times a day) as well as watch my calories tremendously.

I am beyond discouraged right now and I feel like a beach ball. I could literally cry the rest of the day because I feel like a failure with my diet and myself. I know I am overweight for my height and am working so so soooooo hard to fix this. I feel like I'm going in an inevitable circle. Did drinking on vacation sabotage my diet entirely? What have I done wrong? Thank you and also, thank you for listening.

22 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off, calm down. This is probably just water weight. A couple things to think about... what kind of calorie deficit are you going for? are your work outs only cardio? lifting weights or even just body weight (push-ups, dips, etc.) can be great for losing weight (more muscle translates to more burned calories). Try to stop getting on the scale so much, once a day is plenty as weight can fluctuate throughout the day. I like to do a sort of mini 1 day cleanse the day after I get back from vacation. I have a meal replacement shake that I usually only drink for breakfast. My 1 day cleanse is :

    Breakfast: Shake

    Snack: fruit + green tea

    Lunch: Shake

    Snack: fruit + green tea

    Dinner: Salad, veggies, and 4 oz. lean meat

    Be sure your not experiencing any kind of calorie creep and drink more water than you think is enough.

  • 5 years ago

    2 and 1 2 hours bowling

  • 4 years ago

    drink 3 cups of green tea in 24 hours researchers say it can increase energy expenditure by 106 calories

  • 4 years ago

    the rub on ground turkey is that its dry add some olive oil and finely blended onions to a turkey burger or turkey meatball to enhance its juiciness

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 4 years ago

    give your sweetie a massage then have him return the favor

  • 5 years ago

    eat chili for a couple of days research shows that chili peppers boost your metabolic rate burning 50 more cals a day

  • 5 years ago

    automate your eating by planning your meals ahead of time that way you re less likely to make an unhealthy last minute food choice

  • 5 years ago

    1 hour of dancing

  • 5 years ago

    Eat less at night

  • 5 years ago

    Watch your drink calories

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