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Leave or stay with him?

Me& my bf have always been on/off but we've been on for a while. We live about 2 hours away so we barley get to see each other. But we love each other so it's worth it.

In our past relashionships we would talk on the phone all the time, even if we were just friends. This whole month we haven't talked on the phone once and whenever were supposed to he always falls asleep. Last night he texted me kinda early asking if we could talk and I couldn't yet so he told me to text him when I could. So about 30 minutes later I text him saying I could talk and he's like I'm busy I'm in a group message.

Like what? We have been starting to argue a lot then he says he's gonna change and it's gonna stop but it doesn't. I love him so much but idk what to do.

Do you think we should try harder to work things out or should we break up? If we break up what should I say

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    May sound harsh but the truth is leave it alone!!! Right now you guys are not on the same page and any attempts to make things work out will be a waste of time or perhaps even make things worse because even though you obviously care for each other, you're not totally in love with each other at the moment. If this was meant to be, time will pass through you all's separation and show you how much you adore the other. And upon that re-connection... say after 8 to 16 months or more later... you'll truly understand whether what you had was something you absolutely want -or- totally opposite. Judging by your statement that you guys have always been off and on, chances are you'll both see that life is better without each other. Off and on is not a stable relationship and it is not something two people who claim to love each other do. People in love show commitment. Let him go!!!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He figured he has you wrapped around his finger right now so he isn't even trying anymore. His excuse for not talk with you because he is chatting in a group message is pathetic and I would dump him like the horse **** he is. For all you know he may be setting up other relationships in those group chats because there is no way having zero contact for a month is healthy. My motto is: If it doesn't work the first time, it won't work the second or fifth time either. He won't change himself and you can't make him. Tough love honey, I know. But it would be best for you if you just cut yourself out of his life. You shouldn't continue being his rebound or his go to when he feels lonely. Best of luck.

  • Raja
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You two have been seperated by a distance of 2 hours which is nothing during this jet age. Since he is willing to get changed let him change his residence to a place closer to yours. It is one way of trying harder to work thigs out. The issue you two are faced with is not a thing for a brek up .Discuss with him and improve communication so that you can avoid unwanted arguments .

  • 7 years ago

    omg I'm going through the almost exact same thing. it hurts a lot that once you were his top priority and now you're somewhere else. try not to beg and act all desperate bc I done that and I kinda scared him away. talk to him and see how he replies to your feelings. please check out my newest question? I need your help too since were in a similar situation. much love, stay strong please

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You have to try to count on your instincts.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If you questioning yourself then break up with him..

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