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  • I'm not myself with him?

    So me & this boy have feelings for each other and we went to the movies (the first time we actually hung out) and he was really sweet. We've been hanging out in school (we're in high school) and it's kind of awkward. I mean I'm not nervous around him but I'm not myself with him nor do we act like we even like each other. I feel like I'm just another friend& I told him how I felt and he said we should flirt more in person but he still doesn't.

    I have this guy best friend and were always so goofy with each other and have fun. And he likes me but I said I like someone else. I wouldn't like my guy best friend but I don't see why I can't be like that with the guy I like .. I bet he's goofy too but he's just been more serious .. But I really like him. What do I do ?

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • Do I stick with him or move on?

    So there's a boy (I'll call him James) I've been talking to for over a year and were in high school but we live in the states next to each other. We don't get to see each other but I do visit a lot where he lives so if we ended up dating again we could try& make it work. But I love him I never felt this way. We dated on& off for like 6 months and just friends the rest. He has always loved me & never moved on while I have. But not quite , Im talking to this boy at my school (I'll call him Tim) and he told his family about me but he already said he loves me and it's been like a week. I really like him but don't feel the same as I did with the other guy.. But earlier me and James were talking about our feelings and he said he might talk to this girl who likes him. But he wants me he said. He said "if I stop talking to this girl will u stop talking to Tim" and I said yes and told James about me and Tim being best friends and I don't think we should date. He said he would wait for me , he's so sweet. But I told James and he said he would put a girl in his bio just so she doesn't get mad (this bio thing sounds dumb to get mad over) but I felt played so me and Tim still talk but we're not gonna date .. But I can't stop thinking about James .. What do I do?!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Guy #1 or guy #2?

    I've been stuck between these two guys, I'm in high school so I know I shouldn't worry but i just wanna get opinions.

    Guy #1: my ex that goes to a different school, I always think people break up for a reason, we broke up about 2 months ago bc he started acting ghetto, starting going to house twerk parties although he said he was just going to see his friends. He's not the type of guy to cheat but still bothered me. But we have this connection and were so comfortable w each other, but I wanna tell me parents (I can date) but I don't like the stuff he was doing and he knows and he changed I guess but I'm still unsure.

    Guy #2: this guy who has a girlfriend. He's dating a girl I know on my team but I'm not that close to her because she's so quite and it's hard to even talk to her because she's so shy. And the guy is so funny and sweet. They're not in a serious relationship at all it's only been 1 month and he said she different in text verses in person. I'm not, plus her parents don't kmow. I would tell my parents about him if we dated because he lives right by me and I have a class w him and we text everyday. So it would be easy to hang out and be in a serious relationship with him. He told me the other day he liked me before he dated the girl he's daying now and he still does. He always asks me to go outside but it doesn't seem like he's gonna break up w his girlfriend. And he's not the player type at all even tho that made him sound like it

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to tell my boyfriend not to do anything at the party he wouldn't do if I was there?

    My boyfriends going to a party tonight and the only reason I'm not going is because I don't really know/like the people that's gonna be there. It's just trashy people & I know there's gonna be grinding and all and I don't want him to be doing that stuff because that'd basically be cheating... How do I say to like watch himself at the party without saying it like that or sounding weird? Please don't say "that sounds fine" because that doesn't really help.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • my boyfriend was "freaky" with all his other girl friends but not with me?

    So we're 16 if that changes anything. He's not a virgin I am. Last week we went to the movies and we made out. But like he doesn't tough my thighs or legs or anything.. Later that day we were texting and he said his freaky ways used to ruin his relashionships and he changed and he doesn't wanna mess us up. I told him Idc if he's freaky Im just not going all the way. He was like "I know" but all we do sexually is make out. He never talks about sexual stuff or anything.. But I kinda want him to (not to far). I know he said he doesn't wanna mess this up but I told him idc if he's "freaky", so why isn't he being it? Or at least a little

    To anyone who will say something about me calling sexual stuff freaky, that's what he calls it so it's just what I am referring to.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What's something I can do to "test" if my boyfriend is loyal?

    A lot of girls flirt w my boyfriend. He said last year he would talk to more than one girl but he doesn't do that no more because I'm the only one he wants. I'm never the jealous type but is there anyway to see if he's really loyal?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I think I'm jealous.. My boyfriend is literally every girls "bestfriend"?

    I'm in high school & Last night at the football game we were sitting down and he had his arm around me. Then these two girls came down so exited they were like "____ you came!!" And were hugging him& stuff but then he put his arm back around me. And today he asked me to go to the mall and movies but I couldn't but he still went.(which I'm completely fine with) but it was him a few of his guy friends and these two girls. And they were both really pretty. I never get jealous but I kinda am. But I don't wanna say anything because he said he loves the fact I don't get mad over petty ****. What do I do??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Do you think he's talking to someone else? 10 points?

    Before I start I'm 16* So me& this guy have been talking for a few weeks. We try to hang out bc we go to different schools but it's been hard. He said a little while back he wanted to ask me in person and I was like ask me what? And he was like you'll see. So I think he means ask me out. But there's a girl he used to talk to that always comments heart eyes and all on his pictures. Her bio says 9/4/14. Do you think they're dating? I didn't think so because he calls me babe and he always tries to hang out and says he loves me. But today& yesterday our convos have been boringg. And ugh idk what to do. I'm not one of those people that's like "who's this girl" but I'm scared i might be putting effort into someone who might be into someone else. Should I ask if I'm the only girl he's talking to? ...please help.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Leave or stay with him?

    Me& my bf have always been on/off but we've been on for a while. We live about 2 hours away so we barley get to see each other. But we love each other so it's worth it.

    In our past relashionships we would talk on the phone all the time, even if we were just friends. This whole month we haven't talked on the phone once and whenever were supposed to he always falls asleep. Last night he texted me kinda early asking if we could talk and I couldn't yet so he told me to text him when I could. So about 30 minutes later I text him saying I could talk and he's like I'm busy I'm in a group message.

    Like what? We have been starting to argue a lot then he says he's gonna change and it's gonna stop but it doesn't. I love him so much but idk what to do.

    Do you think we should try harder to work things out or should we break up? If we break up what should I say

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I feel like im a bad girlfriend?

    We've been dating for a month but we have been on/off this whole year. Whenever we break up it's usually him that does it but sometimes me. Whenever I do it he's usually like okay.. But when I went to break up with him last week he was all mad and he spent the whole day telling me how he loves me and everything. We ended up not breaking up.. Because I can honestly say I love him.

    But just everything he does just gets me mad lately.. For example if I say I'm not in the best mood right now(I never take it out on him) he's just like "text me when your in a better mood, bye"

    There's a lot of other stuff like that but I just get mad a lot & i always end up in a worse mood or crying but we love each other. Idk of we should break up? I feel like a bad girlfriend..

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is this a sign I should break up with my bf or just a dream?

    So I have a bf but there's a guy who just started texted me a few weeks ago who really likes me. I felt like I was starting to like him too so I tried to break up with my bf but he kept talking about how much he loves me and stuff. So we didn't break up.

    I prayed and asked god to please give me a sign if I did the right thing or not by staying with him and not choosing the other guy. That night I had a dream of me and the other guy at the movies. We were cuddling and doing things couples would do. I thought this was just a dream but I just need an opinion of someone else.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should I be with my bf?

    I know he loves me but I always question our relashionship. I don't know if I love myself and I feel like I should love myself before I love anyone else.. Idk I feel like

    I love him but idk if I'm just used to him. Idkkk please help

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I don't know if I should leave my bf or not?

    We've been on&off for basically this whole year but we've been on for quite a while. We live a few hours away(different states) so we can't see each other. I've met him through friends but he's real & we snapchat so he's not a perv for sure. I tried breaking up with him the other day but he spent the whole day trying to show he loves me and was really upset. I couldn't help it, I love him so we ended up not breaking up. But I'm starting to think, did I do the right thing? I'm scared we'll never meet& this could be just kinda a waste of time... I never really thought about this till now and I just need advice.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I love my bf but I had a dream about this other guy?

    So this other guy actually really likes me in real life & he said he'd wait till I break up with my bf to do anything. I really like him too even tho I hate to admit it bc my bf always acts like he doesn't care. I tried breaking up with him & he was so upset and he was like we can't break up. He spent the whole day trying to convince me to stay& it worked.

    But about the dream.. Me and this guy went to the movies and he had his arms around me & then I wrapped my arms around his arm and leaned on his shoulder. It made me soo happy. We did all stuff like that and it made me feel like that is how things could actually be if as dated..

    What does this dream mean? I love my bf but I like this other guy.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How would you pair these girl names?










    Rielle (re-ell)

    Mailyn (May-Lynn)


    7 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • How would pair these boy names?













    2 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago