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Lv 4

If God created the tree of knowledge, and made its fruit look appealing, does that mean God knew we'd eat from it?

I mean, between his placing the tree of knowledge in the middle of the Garden, making its fruits look appealing, AND withholding the ability to determine right from wrong from Adam and Eve (hence they would not know it was wrong to disobey God), are we just some kind of sick joke to God? He damned billions to Hell over it! And it was His fault!

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    yes, he planned the whole thing.

    He made satan evil, and he made human beings sinners, he put the tree there so we'd eat it.

    In fact nothing has ever done anything he didn't make it do, it's all a machine and he made it do all of this.

    Is he mad though is the question? Is he crazy or evil? A sociopath? A psycho?

    It says that he "is creating" all like himself, that it's a process and takes knowledge and experience. What does it take to be created wise and kind and knowledgeable?

    Nobody fell from anywhere, everyone starts at the bottom and goes up.

  • 7 years ago

    If God created the tree of knowledge, and made its fruit look appealing, does that mean God knew we'd eat from it?

    This is one of the most ridiculous fantasies ever invented, and it's amazing to me there are still people stupid enough to believe this nonsense in the 21st century.

  • 7 years ago

    The scriptures do not say who created that tree! Every thing God made produced in kind- the tree of knowledge of good and evil did not reproduce in kind. Like all hybrids the seeds are radicals. Some would produce evil, some good and the remainder good and evil.

    God gave Adam and Eve several guidelines on what was alright to eat. It had to grow from the ground, it had to have seeds and it had to reproduce in kind. One or all three of these rules must have been apparent. Very likely all three applied.

    A further study of the subject says that nothing in heaven or earth was created with out the consent of God and Christ. So where is this tree now. It is not in Heaven, that is where the tree of life is. It is not on earth, because no known fruit is known to instill knowledge in humans. It has to be in Satan's domain because it is from Satan not God.

    So your if statement at the beginning becomes very important in answering the question- it appears based on the entire account that the tree of knowledge was not a creation of God, it was allowed to be there with Gods consent, but it was not placed there. "In the midst of the garden" is a separate statement from the clear statement that God planted in the garden everything that was good for man. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was not good for man because it produced death- so God did not put that tree there and any conclusion based on Gods planting it there must be wrong because it is based on a lie.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Exactly. It's like putting hungry children in a room with yummy cookies and telling them not to touch the goodies while you're not looking and then turning Cookie Monster on the TV and leaving the room. There's no question about what happens next.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Exactly. It's like putting hungry children in a room with yummy cookies and telling them not to touch the goodies while you're not looking and then turning Cookie Monster on the TV and leaving the room. There's no question about what happens next.

  • Emdog
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    It was a set up. It's like mom telling kids "Now you kids stay out of the cookie jar", which gives kids idea "hey let's get some cookies from cookie jar". Besides what does the meta message behind this tell us? That it is better to be ignorant and not use your brain? Knowledge is a bad thing? Seems many theists embrace that position.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    There is only best and second-best. Everything came from nothing. All colours emerged from the transparent clear colorlessness. All presence is founded on the simple blank peace whose spacious nothingness is an immeasurable bounty within itself. But conscious existence is divided between Satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Satisfaction finds rest and pleasure in the underlying default and seeks nothing. Dissatisfaction is restless and seeks to solve its unsettlement by adding or subtracting something, hence manipulating other-than-itself. Caught in the futility of solving a problem that does not exist, dissatisfaction thrives in this innovative pursuit and triggers a journey away from original simplicity, sinking towards a complexity that has no end. And that is the proverbial tree of knowledge.

    The evolution tree is the self-evident trail of this 'cleverness' trap. Organism and organisations are trapped in their own dissatisfaction, seeking to simplify situations by complicating themselves and their environments. Of-course every branch sustains new options of sub-branching as new solutions come with new problems. Our misunderstanding arises from humanizing Adam. Yet the father of individuality is a concept. He remains the original single cell that split sideways to produce a mate, who further split to reproduce. For the glory of numbers, the progeny of Adam thrive in the zero-sum multiplication by division. Having turned away from the certainty of definite, we now feast on the doubtful world of infinite.

  • 7 years ago

    Seems to me Good also created free will this gave first man the intellect and and wisdom to decide for ħimself . Therefore there was the option to make his own decision to trust God or man (Eve). Just because God is allowing does not mean that God set up the test to set mankind up for sin but rather to give them the freedom to decide.. God has and will never intercede in man's decision even to the point of allowing them to choose where they want to spend their eternity..

  • Jimbo
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It was the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil and not the Tree of Knowledge. God told Adam and Eve to stay away from it. He didn't want them corrupted. If you tell a kid to stay away from a hot stove, are you inviting the kid to put his hand on the stove? The food on the stove looks appealing so why not touch it? Sometimes, I think people ask stupid questions just to mock God and instead show their own ignorance.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    How DARE you insinuate that God was planning on causing the fall of man just because he created Adam and Eve completely innocent and ignorant and then told them not to eat from the ridiculously tempting forbidden tree of unfathomable power that he made easily accessible in the middle of the Garden of Eden guarded by nothing other than the incredibly sneaky and deceptive serpent hell bent on tricking them into disobeying him...

    Actually, God kind of seems like a dick. You'd think the guy would have at least installed a security system or something.

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