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How would you deal with the riots and looting in Ferguson Missouri?

19 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    mutli prong approach:

    1. appropriate government officials [the local District Attorney? and State Police Captain?] need to personally meet with the family -- in private. Family needs to be re-assured that the rule of law will be followed, including arrest and indictment of the officer involved -- IF and AFTER -- proper investigation shows that to be appropriate.

    They can be asked to not reveal what's discussed but lapses in that should be ignored.

    Outsiders not accepted, aside from an attorney who isn't a known race baiter.

    2. Darren Wilson's testimony needs to be re-examined for other lies and, if proven, he needs to be arrested. Use the store robbery [if it happened] as a reason.

    3. Persons who attack anyone while assembled (ie: rioters), loot, or commit attempted arson must be arrested. Those who are not local to the area need to be held on 1 million dollars bail. If bail is posted, a condition of release needs to be that they will not further riot, loot, or attempt arson. [and violators of that need to be immediately found in contempt of court, fined at least $10,000 and probably more like $100,000, and immediately be jailed for 30 days.]

    4. The Governor of Missouri needs to remind everyone [via tv news] that Missouri is a civilized place and will A) follow proper investigative procedures, B) will not allow mobs to take the law into their own hands, C) will prosecute the officer involved AFTER the investigation IF the evidence supports that, and D) will not permit outside agitators to interfere with the legal process. He also needs to caution the usual talking heads and race baiters to shut up -- they risk contaminating the jury pool to such extent that no fair trial of the officer could be held -- in which case, he'd get off scot free even if thought guilty.

  • 7 years ago

    The easiest way is to pass a law at the state and federal level which allows for 0 funds to go to areas that riot and loot. Pretty much as quick as you figure out you've done nothing more than screwed yourself--you'll stop this type of behavior.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Only way to handle rioters and law breakers is deal with them directly.

    Most of the Community in Ferguson are not involved in the looting or

    the burning. Just outside agitators from California and Ill.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Send in the national guards and arrest the looters, arsonists, rioters and shooters. Have the justice department try them on terrorism charges and if found guilty executed! I wouldn't mind the peaceful protests and would allow for the investigation to continue. Brown is no hero. He was a thug so I don't feel sorry for him. Rules are rules, if the police did do what browns thug buddy said, he should be tried and if found guilty executed. If not then he should remain a police officer.

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  • Daro
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Sense looting is a felony....shoot on sight.

    The citizens ONLY beef was with the Police.

    Therefore they should ONLY be protesting in front of Police Station. Any violence anywhere else should be met with gunfire (REAL BULLETS).

    Simple problem simple solution.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Immediate crackdown.

    Holding hands and singing Kumbaya only seemed to encourage them.

    "State Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson, briefing reporters on Monday's night's violence, said "our officers came under heavy gunfire" in one area.

    "Not a single bullet was fired by officers despite coming under heavy attack," he told a news conference. Riot police had confiscated two guns from protesters and what looked like a petrol bomb. Four officers had been injured."

  • 7 years ago

    Invite the leaders of this community to come together - Church leaders, Business people, members of the city council. It is their town and their problem to solve or destroy.

    Blaming others is not the solution. Finding common ground for people who live there is very important. Take OWNERSHIP of their community & town.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    why is every time a riot breaks out 50% of the protesters are just taking advantage of a looting opportunity

    @ "time to get a new tv"

    im after a news crew camera myself. nice bit of kit for my gf

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Declare Martial Law & shoot the looters with paint balls filled with dye just like the banks use

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I am glad to be safe a long way on the other side of the country. It doesn't affect me. I don't care, let them kill each other! Stupid!

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