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Lv 5
Bob asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 7 years ago

Did Anakin Skywalker fulfill the Chosen One Prophecy when he became Darth Vader?

From what I know of Star Wars lore, the Chosen One was meant to bring balance to the force. Balance between light and dark. At the end of Ep. 3, there were only 2 Jedi left, Yoda and Ben Kenobi, and 2 Sith, Sidious and Vader. One really powerful and one less powerful on each side. That sounds like balance to me. Discuss... :)

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    There's a whole argument about this. Luke Skywalker was said to be the chosen one, but it seems that Anakin Skywalker was probably the real chosen one. Since balance requires equal sides of something on each side. Before he became Darth Vader, the Jedi were the dominant, good side where as the dark side was almost nonexistent. It can be argued that Anakin Skywalker indeed was the real chosen one. Because the prophecy said that the chosen one would bring balance. Now that could either mean two things: bringing equal amount of the good and bad, which he did do as he converted to the dark side; and/or bringing peace and putting an end to the dark side, which he did as well, by killing the sith lord, aka, the emperor.

    Luke, on the other hand, did bring balance. I think it's all about how you perceive and understand the term "balance". It could either mean literal balance or simply peace. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker seems to have accomplished both.

    However, the exact prophecy was this:

    "In the time of greatest despair,

    a child shall be born

    who will destroy the Sith

    and bring balance to the Force"

    Your point of view makes complete sense, however, when we look at the prophecy, Luke Skywalker was the one who destroyed the sith. Therefore, he was the real chosen one. But in some way, we COULD say that Anakin Skywalker was responsible for the eventual downfall of the sith itself..

    This argument could go on and on, haha. But I believe the chosen one had to be the one who himself would defeat the dark side. Luke fits that desciption.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    What you are saying makes perfect sense I never understood how destroying the Sith could bring balance to the force but George Lucas obviously doesnt care about logic or continuity because he has said Anakin brought balance to the force by turning back from the dark side and killing the Emperor which even as kid made no sense to me

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Darth Vader brought balance after killing The Emperor in Return of the Jedi...

  • 7 years ago

    Yes, in Episode IV, Darth Vader defeated the Emperor, the Lord of Sith, so yes, he is the Chose One.

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  • Bob
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I see, so it seems Lucas' idea of balance is a complete takeover by the light side. That.... idk, makes sense but not at the same time. lol I suppose even without any Sith, there would still be lots of dark side floating around (crime, hate, anger, violence, fear, etc) in non-force users.

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