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Creationists: Can any of you accurately explain the theory of evolution?


I'm asking because, to date, I have not heard an accurate description of evolution, from a single creationist. This has proven so consistent, that I've even started saying, "No one who understands evolution, denies it."

Anyone care to prove me wrong?

Update 2:

It's funny. I posted this ten minutes ago. If I had posted, "Evolutionists, can you explain how evolution works? I've never met one evolutionists who understands that crazy monkey theory. Anyone wanna prove me wrong?" I'd have gotten like 20 well written responses on how evolution works.

14 Answers

  • CRR
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is the theory that all life on earth developed naturally and gradually beginning with one primitive species—perhaps a self-replicating molecule—that lived more than 3.5 billion years ago; it then branched out over time, throwing off many new and diverse kinds; and the mechanism for most (but not all) of evolutionary change is natural selection.

    How's that?

    @TACO, "It's good so far." (in comments)

    That's a grudging admission of success! Sure you might quibble with a few minor points but it is a fairly complete one paragraph definition, isn't it?

    Source(s): CR YEC
  • Bob
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    You can get a million theories on how evolution works but they are mostly filled with opinion and not science .

    Evolution means change over time but what evolutionists know is that the fossil record speaks against this, especially in the area of Macroevolution . You see I was an evolutionist for 41 years and I accepted it without question and I would gets angry when any young earth creationist misrepresented it.

    One day I decided to look at evolution in an honest non-brainwashed fashion and when I did my faith in evolution became unhinged . Evolutionists automatically assume that many different microevolutionary steps equal one large Macroevolutionary steps, but this is ridiculous becuse many of those small changes have to happen together. On top of that the fossil record shows the complete opposite of gradual small changes . Evolutionist stephen Gould knew this and because he is a believer in the evolution of the gaps theory he came out with an equally unscientific and proposterous punctuated equilibrium .

    Most people know deep down inside that evolution is a fairy tale because we have been brainwashed on it since high school (me included ) it took a lot to get us out of this brainwashed mode.

    I was an evolutionist for 41 years and now I'm an ID advocate and old earth creationist . I left evolution not because of theological reasons but because the science simply didn't fit the claims.

    So your claim that creationists can't accurately explain evolution is bogus becuse I know the theory of evolution very well cause I used to defend it. The area I loved the most was the study of the animals in the Carboniferous and Permian period.

    I still believe in an old earth and old universe , but evolution is simply a fairy tale that is being held up by the materialists/atheists and masqueraded as science . Sure there there are Christians that still believe in evolution ( I was a theistic evolutionist), but these are what I would call uncle toms. They are too afraid to say anything for fear of being ridiculed by their materialistic masters.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It is impossible to to explain evolution using a mere 1000 words. But not believing in evolution is as crazy as not believing that the world is not flat.If, at any time, somebody insinuates that evolution posits where life came from, then they have just exposed their lack of knowledge surrounding the theory. The theory of evolution deals only with how life arrived at the point it has, and it makes no claims about the origins of life.

    That is not to say that we have no science regarding abiogenetic chemistry – we do. We have several models explaining how the first self-replicating molecule could have arisen and catalyzed evolution, all of which are compliant with known science (the most widely accepted model is called the RNA World model). Abiogenesis is just a question that evolution does not tackle (though it does necessitate abiogenesis). So far all fossils have supported the theory of evolution not contradicted it.

    Source(s): “All evolution in thought and conduct must at first appear as heresy and misconduct.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
  • Aaron
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Funny, I ask that same question to evolutionists all the time. I ask simple questions, and all I get is ugly insults and links to websites because the poster can't explain it to me directly.

    From what I understand, and I'm sure it will change, is that evolution is "changes within allele frequency." I have also heard that evolution is directed by survival of the fittest, or that the survivors have been able to adapt to changes in environment, disasters, etc.

    Any way you look at it, evolution does nothing to explain the origin of life and it should never try. Evolution comes up with a hundred varying theories on how species adapt, life changes, etc. but cannot and will never be able to address where that life came from or how it began.

    EDIT: Evolutionists will say "evolution doesn't deal with the origin of life." Okay, then what is your problem with creationism? Creationism does explain the origin of life. Frankly, I know evolutionists LIKE to claim evolution has nothing to do with the origins of life, but that depends on what evolutionist you speak with and at what time of the day you speak with them. You all change your lies every other week.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Could the problem not be that you ask this in jokes and riddles section? I doubt you will get twenty responses here.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes I can, thank you. Entirely to my satisfaction. My nurse says, "Nip to your library and borrow a book by this fellow called Darwin".

  • 7 years ago

    They can't, most of them think that evolution is about monkeys transforming into humans.

  • 7 years ago

    Space Aliens crashed on earth got bored had sex w/ ape, genes minced, humans/ Today!

  • 7 years ago

    Change from cell memory.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Well I know that you definitely evolved from a turd

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