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Do Brits really think they would get a tax break of some sort if the monarchy was dissolved? Naive thinking at best, ignorance at worst?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Taxes woul;d Go Up someone Must Maintain all the British opwned palaces and Pay the wages

    as head od state the Queen pays her own way

    example when Charles and Diana Married London made 400 Million Pounds

    I alone have Coins an Stamps Valued at 500 Pounds

  • josh
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    What on earth are you talking about the majority of Brits want to keep the monarchy because this country does not need another lying politician (president)

    The birth of England was founded on a traditional policy that we have got to have a monarchy and I thought you yanks loved constitutions. We pay only 1 pence to the monarchy which is not a lot really and it's our way of life and if you don't like that then that's you're problem.

  • 7 years ago

    "ignorance at worst" You are not wrong there. All this paid for by the taxpayers is just some mantra the anti-monarchists trip out in defence of not having one.

    It's about as accurate as the taxpayers owning Banks ...... I get sooo annoyed when this keeps being said. If I own one of the Banks that was bailed out using monies collected FROM taxpayers, where is my share certificate!!?

    And yes, the real truth is having a president would cost the taxpayer way more than having a monarchy does.

  • 7 years ago

    SOME - mostly ill-informed British citizens - believe abolition of the monarchy would not only save £millions currently spent on its upkeep/security etc - but also release £billions of assets (castles, art treasures,etc) back into PUBLIC ownership - making us all better off - and required to pay less taxes for the common weal.

    Naivety/dumb ignorance/failure to do simple sums - whatever.

    Tourism is MAJOR UK industry/business - as visitors like to come and see our SITES - try to appreciate British history, heritage, monuments, and understand HOW/WHY this very small island race MANAGED to explore, discover and help develop so much of the world.

    The Royal Institute - The Royal Academy - Royal Hospital at Greenwich - Royal Navy - Royal Albert Hall - are all CONTINUING testimonies - of a monarchy still alive and kicking.

    HM Elizabeth II MIGHT be worth £billions - on paper.

    She personally OWNS the Crown Jewels - on view to tourists at William the Conquerers Tower of London - and LEGALLY entitled to sell them to say Bill Gates. Or whoever heads up the Royal House of Saudi Arabia.

    Etc etc etc. But the nurses tell me it's time for my tablets - I tend to get head-aches when trying to explain the bleedin' obvious - to those who WILL NOT see.

    ; ))

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The Monarchy subsidises it'self.

    Presidents don't.

  • 7 years ago

    No. Only a very tiny percentage of our taxes are directed towards the Monarchy. They are very wealthy and mostly self financing. A presidential system would be far more expensive for the tax payer

  • 7 years ago

    No they do not.

    Anti-monarchy people are driven by medieval class envy. They'd be so happy to see Tony Blair as their first President.

  • 7 years ago

    governments always find new ways to tax. what they would probably do is INCREASE taxes to pay for 'upkeep' of all the historical buildings.... and pocket the difference.

  • 7 years ago

    no. remove the question mark and you have the answer. some might be thinking of the islands and property ownership/usage in feudal times.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The monarchy are puppets in the control of wealthy barons.

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