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Favorite Answers7%
  • Which is you're favourite religion (UK)?

    You're options are

    1. Christianity

    2. Catholic

    3. Judaism

    4. Hinduism

    5. Buddhism

    6. Sikhism

    7. Islam

    8. Atheist/agnostic

    My favourite is Judaism because I'm Jewish so what's yours.

    19 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Why is Alaska the last state to get called on Election Day?

    I'm from Britain and I enjoy learning about politics across the globe but 2 years ago I noticed America has a different system which is the electoral college which is pretty funny considering it's not an actual college but why is Alaska one of the last states to be projected when the population is only 735,132 which is very low compared to other states and I think that's why Alaska is only awarded 3 electoral votes because electoral votes are based on the States population but it's still very weird how all of the other states with significant populations are called before Alaska and I know Alaska's polls don't close until midnight but it's still amazing how you guys call a state like California which has a massive population before calling a state like Alaska which doesn't. Can anyone explain this and do you think the system in your country should change and do you think it's unfair for the Alaskans.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • I'm frustrated in my relationship!!!!!?

    I have put so much effort in this relationship and I'm getting frustrated because he keeps on ignoring my messages on Facebook and he's done this several times in the past but I'm tired of saying (you there) I'm also sick of waiting for him to come online so I can say hi because he doesn't ignore me if i do that for some reason. I love him so much we have been together since late May and I think this is the longest relationship I have ever had and it's a long distance relationship to and I'm starting to get thoughts that he doesn't love me because I said I love you 2 times and he didn't say it back. I want this relationship to last forever or even longer but he's ignored me so many times that I'm starting to get tired of messaging him saying (are you there) do you think I should post a status about how I feel or something to get his attention. Any advice or help would be helpful.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Who else hates swagg words?

    I have OCD and there's some words I absolutely hate and I have heard a lot of swaggers say them.

    1. Dang

    2. Dat

    3. Dayyuum

    4. Dis. (correct way ,this,)

    5. Tho. (correct way ,though,)

    6. Twerk

    7 selfie

    8. K. (correct way ,ok or okay,)

    9. Gud correct way ,good,)

    10. Gawd (correct way ,god,)

    The list goes on but please don't call me racist because I have heard white people say this but I always wonder what would people in the. 1920s,1930s,1940s,1950s,1960s, would think about this sh!t. Do you think barack Obama created swagg because swagg got invented in 2009 the same year barack Obama took office but let's go back to the bush years because the songs were better and the movies were great like American pie,white chicks,freaky Friday ect but please tell me what you think.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Why does Minnesota have a DFL party instead of the traditional democratic party.?

    I'm British and I study American politics but i have noticed that Minnesota is the only state that has a DFL party

    (democratic-farmer-labor party) instead of a traditional Democratic Party like all the other states have. Minnesota does have the Republican Party but does not seem to have the Democratic Party but what's the difference between the DFL party and the Democratic Party and why is Minnesota the only state that has the DFL party.

    1 AnswerPolitics7 years ago
  • gays bully bisexuals in the same way gays got bullied by straights 4 decades ago (60s) (70s) (80s) (90s)?

    The GLBT community is diminishing every year and in the future we could see the GLBT community dissolve into 4 community's. For some reason iv been hearing a lot about gays bullying bisexuals for some reason and I believe that this could cause an earthquake in the GLBT community. Bisexuals could be the first to dissolve away from the GLBT community which means we could see bisexual bars and bisexual pride day and even a bisexual flag. Gays should stop bullying bisexuals because it's not nice to hate people just because there bisexual. In the future it will be GLT community as bisexuals will have there own fully independent community.

  • USA lost against Germany?

    I'm not German nor American but when I was watching the game the only thing I could hear was Americans shouting USA USA USA. I really wanted them to shut up and when I watched the news I saw Americans still cheering. I was really confused but I noticed that most off them were very arrogant but I think the American fans were arrogant because they lost. I'm actually glad America lost because it gives other teams like Germany to win. I'm not being biased or anything and I'm not anti America or American but for once I'm just glad that another team won for a change. I also find it weird when Americans say (soccer) instead of football but what's your view on this.

    8 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)7 years ago
  • Is American culture stupid?

    Just twerking all day while taking narcissistic selfies while saying YOLO and acting all swagg. The American culture is just based on swagg and pop culture and America does not have a culture anymore. You have lame celebrity's like Miley Cyrus and Kim kardashian and many more. Do teenage Americans not have anything else better to do. Are you not worried about what's going on in the world or politics. If teenage Americans had to choose Justin Bieber or freedom they would choose justin Bieber because teenage Americans DONT CARE and that's why the Russians and Vladimir Putin are just laughing at you. So that's my rant for the day and does anyone else feel like this.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Is this an accurate prediction for the 2016 election?

    Joe Biden vs Kelly Ayotte

    4 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Would my policy's benefit America?

    These are my policy's

    1. Introduce grammar schools

    2. Make breast feeding illegal in public.

    3. Make abortions limited (no more than 3)

    4. Abolish the electoral college

    5. Abolish the federal reserve banking


    6. Make college the final step in getting a degree or job.

    7. Make the private sector larger.

    8. Spend an extra 40% on the military plus get the troops back.

    9. Cut back on foreign aid so we can spend it on our own people but still continue giving money to people in Africa.

    10. Only allow the BEST people with skills that will bring value to the nation in the country.

    I'm a libertarian conservative and these are some of my policy's and I'm British so don't take it seriously.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Why are American gays so horrible?

    Iv talked to a lot of gay Americans on Facebook and other sites and Iv discovered that they are literally so annoying and so dumb and shallow. Iv came across one gay American who is just normal and decent and who is just warmhearted and he was from a lovely place called Iowa. Iv met a lot of gay Australians and for some reason they are not shallow or horrible. Australians and Canadians are the types of gays I like and it's a Shame because Iv came across a lot of proud individual gay Americans but it's just a Shame that there the minority in the gay community. I don't like gays that flaunt there sexuality and that show off there sexuality and most gays who do that are Americans. I'm gay and proud and I'm British and trust me there's a lot of f@ggots in this country to and that's why I only date anyone from Australia or Canada. It's gays like davey wavey and chris crocker who are horrible and shallow and I just wished that every gay guy could just be a lot more prouder. I'm 100% proud of being gay but it's just when I see other gays flaunt there sexuality I think it gives the gay community a bad name.

  • Is the USA the best country in the world?

    Personally I don't think the USA Is because let's look at country's like Australia or Canada. Those 2 country's economy's are great and there financially sensible but a lot of Americans stereotype Canadians and Australians but anyway what's your opinion on this.

    38 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Who will over take The USA position?

    As a Brit I'm kind off tired of America breathing down my country's throat but anyway who do you think could over take America as a world super power.

    13 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Is the government making us racist?

    So I was watching the news and I seen

    So many asylum seekers wanting to cross the English Channel to come to Britain. We have 4 million young indigenous people in this country unemployed and I'm unemployed and I live in the North East so there's not many jobs in the area. Our NHS has said that they cannot cope with more people coming in and our schools are full with different languages which is not fair on our own indigenous kids. The asylum seekers and all of the EU citizens can come here and claim benefits. UAF is a fascist group in it's self and it's liberal hippy groups like hope not hate that I HATE. White Brits will be the minority in 2050 and in 2100 the uk will be an Islamic country.

    This is why UKIP won the European elections and I love Nigel Farage because he says things that the other politicians are to scared to say. Who else supports UKIP.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Will my sexuality change if I get lazer eye surgery?

    I'm not trolling I'm being serious.

    So I'm going for my consultation in

    august and I think I'll be getting my eye surgery in February next year because I'll be 18 in February. I'm gay and I'm worried if the lazer will affect my hormones and I'm scared if my sexuality changes.

  • How can I get my photos URL for tumblr?

    I uploaded the tumblr app but then 3 months later I realised that I could not submit pics to other people so now I'm on tumblr on my mobile but now I can't even upload pics and apparently I need the pictures ULR and I don't know where my pictures ULR are. It's also saying I need to verify my email address to submit pics.

    I really need help and Iv asked this question in so many Category's and got no answers so please help me.

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • How do I submit pics on tumblr?

    I'm fed up with people giving me fake information and I'm on the tumblr app but how do I submit pics to someone else on tumblr.

    Any help would be great

    2 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago