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My wife is impossible to deal with! I'm at my wits end. What should I do?

We have been together for 11 years, and I have 3 children from a previous marriage. Today she got home from work and started by insulting my daughter's marching band. She didn't say flagrant insults, but implied ones. When my daughter took exception to her words and was backed up by her sister, my wife had a fit. She blamed me and them and claims that we are all against her! I haven't been able to get along with her yet today and it's been about 6 hours since she got home. Recently she came downstairs and yelled at my older daughter again for coming into the kitchen. Then she yelled at her and my son and myself when I was trying to just get her to calm down. This is exemplary of our daily life with her. She is damaged, seemingly beyond repair and we need help for her. We don't have insurance and can't get therapy. She has big problems. Where can I get help? Who can determine what her problem is and how to fix it? Some of her problems go back to her mother and her son(who is now grown). please help!

11 Answers

  • Marge
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    It might be that she's tired working outside of the home and taking care of her family the rest of the 24 hr. day. I'm an advocate for seeing a mental health therapist! I did, years ago and it changed my life, helping me get on a healthy path in life. Most communities have a Mental Health Agency where anyone can see a psychologist or psychiatrist, or a marriage counselor, and the fee is based on what the person/persons can pay. It's well worth the time and minimal cost! The problem may well be in the marriage, so I'd hope that you, too, will join in to explore the problem. Good Luck!

  • 7 years ago

    Stop using the excuse "we don't have insurance and can't get help'... many therapists, counselors etc offer a sliding scale fee based on your income! Disconnect cable and get her some help! Divorce is not the answer as it only covers up the problem and provide you with more challenges to deal with.

  • 7 years ago

    Look for some free counseling services for you and your children and focus on how to deal with you wife's mental disorder. People that are this crazy never see themselves as the problem, but rather point at others as being defective and trouble-makers in their own life. Do not subject your children to this horrible behavior of your wife for a long period of time. After a while, they will begin to blame you for not taking some kind of action against your wife to protect them, such as moving out or filing for a divorce. If your wife gets to the point of being a danger to herself or others, you can have her civilly committed to a facility that will diagnose and treat her. However, you have to be able to prove to the court that your wife's actions and behavior do constitute a serious danger to herself or to others.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    A therapist would run you between 60 and 100 bucks a session .

    Or you could load the kids up and take everyone to dinner or a movie ,,,, but that'll cost you between 60 and 100 bucks

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  • frank
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Why can't you get therapy? Do you work? Do your kids work and contribute? Why don't you have insurance? Something does not add up here.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    For Legal Advise I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.

    RE :My wife is impossible to deal with! I'm at my wits end. What should I do?

    We have been together for 11 years, and I have 3 children from a previous marriage. Today she got home from work and started by insulting my daughter's marching band. She didn't say flagrant insults, but implied ones. When my daughter took exception to her words and was backed up by her sister, my wife had a fit. She blamed me and them and claims that we are all against her! I haven't been able to get along with her yet today and it's been about 6 hours since she got home. Recently she came downstairs and yelled at my older daughter again for coming into the kitchen. Then she yelled at her and my son and myself when I was trying to just get her to calm down. This is exemplary of our daily life with her. She is damaged, seemingly beyond repair and we need help for her. We don't have insurance and can't get therapy. She has big problems. Where can I get help? Who can determine what her problem is and how to fix it? Some of her problems go back to her mother and her son(who is now grown). please help!

    Follow 11 answers

    Source(s): For Legal Advise I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.
  • 7 years ago

    Divorce her. Why so much tension? Celibacy improves the health.

  • 7 years ago

    perhaps she needs some meds or an intervention! have people who know her well and care for her talk to her.....its scary, but, she might not hit you with a frying pan if there are more people around......

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Continue to sacrifice for her.In sickness(mental)and in health. And the one who can "work all things for the good" is God. Remember to talk to him about this.

  • 7 years ago

    if you had the balls to prenup her, this wouldn't be a problem. you could just leave her.

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