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So if their is one God, why do they have so many different God?

You have so many religions but yet all say the other is not the true God

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Many Theists claim there is one God and the reason why there are over 2,000 different Gods is because God shows themselves in different ways to different people. Quite why those same people also say that their God is the only true God and the rest are false is beyond me. But that doesn't explain why each God is different from the last and often says and commands different things. Maybe God has a split personality or is just a regular run-of-the-mill narcissist.

    The reality is that there are no Gods, as is made evident in the variation between Gods, and how they align so perfectly with human desire, and the lack of divine interference in matters of divine import (i.e: The massacre of his or her followers or the phasing out of their religion).

  • 7 years ago

    Another Ploy Relig would have one Believe, so we all fight and kill each other on whos God is better!

    Or like the test having 4 people taking a trip, all must end up going home to tell the story as they seen it in their own way. Now you do know many words in Relig have been Twisted in order to control!

    Just Look up JInn and read the Story. It seems the Idea of God has gone way off Key in Todays World! Should at least point you in the right direction.


  • User
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Not everyone knows all things. In fact, NO human knows all things.

    Because of that, some humans believe one thing is true, while others believe that another thing is true.

    This is by no means restricted to religion. However, *like in nearly every other field of human endeavor*, this sort of disagreement also appears in the field of religion.

    The question is like this: "If there is only one primary ancestor of the Basque language, why do they have so many different theories regarding what that ancestor is?" Just because people believe different things about a particular subject - let's call any particular subject "S" - does not mean that "S" does not exist, nor does it mean that everyone is wrong about "S". It *only* means (that is: logically the *most* that we can conclude is) that some people are incorrect about "S".

  • 7 years ago

    There is ONLY one God. Now the reason why there APPEARS to be so many "gods" out there is the same reason why when a baby cries & an evil parent turns up the music in a car to drown out the cry or the same reason why a murderer would turn the music up to muffle out the sounds of a victim screaming and that is evil deception. The devil knows there is only one God so what does he do?

    Well he deceives people into creating & worshiping false gods for thousands & thousands of years. The false god worshippers all think they have it right only to be cast into hell when their life is over on earth.

    The only true God is the God of the bible who sent his son Jesus to die as a sacrifice for our sins. BUT DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT! RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF!!! Compare ALL other religions to evangelical Christianity that is based on the bible & you will see a distinction that...

    1. Besides Christianity, all other religions believe salvation is attained by good works only.

    2. Besides Christianity, all other religions don't account for the punishment of sin.

    3. Christianity is the only religion that says salvation can never be attained by works but only by God's


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  • Gloria
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There is only one true Almighty GOD then there are gods.

    Psalms 82:1 GOD stands in the congregation of the mighty, he judges among the Gods.

    Jesus is a mighty god. His Father is THE Almighty GOD.

    But unto his son he said: Your throne, O god, is forever and ever. You have love righteousness and hated iniquity. Therefore GOD (even) THY GOD has anointed you with the oil of gladness above thy fellows; Hebrews 1:8-9

  • 7 years ago

    At 1Corinthians 8:5, we read: "For even though there are those who are called "gods" whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many "lords" and many gods" [6] there is actually to us, one God the Father, out of whom all things are and we for him, and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through him."

    The ONE GOD being JEHOVAH GOD.....Psalms 83:18..."That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the MOST HIGH over all the earth."

    Mankind has made his own "gods" from the beginning, that is why there are so many so-called gods. Some are human, others are made of wood and stone.......valueless idols crafted by human hands incapable of doing anything..

    Habakkuk 2:18 .."Of what benefit has a craved image been, when the former of it has carved it? a molten statue and an instructor in falsehood? when the former of it's form has trusted in it, to the extent of making valueless gods that are speechless."

    More info

  • 7 years ago

    Hello nick dear, there is only one TRUTH behind everything. That truth has been named by many names and personified in so many forms. Mind is the most important tool to bring this vast creation. As mind has so many images easily accessible so there are so many forms for that TRUTH. So it is the most essential thing that to realize the mind and keep it under control. Sound mind in a sound body. So we give importance to the health part. For keeping health we have to have right food. Right means harmonious. Right activity and right rest. As health is up to the mark then mind would be in its fullest form and it could unfold even the secret of this entire creation phenomenon. More over for simplification we can establish this fact that God is only one which is everything and Lords are many. Lord Jesus, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu etc etc. We do different kinds of exercises in the gym so as to strengthen the different parts of our body. Same different aspects such as wealth, health, wisdom etc etc are to be flourished by the prayers to different Lords. Vinayagan is for wisdom. Lakshmi for wealth. So in short we can say that mind is to be taken care and self realization is the only way to realize the entire phenomenon. Best wishes to have such a self realization as early as possible.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There is only one God the rest are false gods

    but ppl say there is more than one god b/c they are deluded or believe in false gods who can do nothing

    Indeed, you [disbelievers] and what you worship other than Allah are the firewood of Hell. You will be coming to [enter] it. Qur'an 21:98

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    There is only one God and all the religion came from one source.

    Belief and faith in Allah

    It is worth emphasizing that among human thinkers there exists no difference of opinion on the point that this universe has a self-sustaining First Cause. At the most, materialists call it matter, while the religious philosophers call it Allah. The believers in God maintain that the First Source of the universe has limitless knowledge, wisdom and rationality, because of :

    The Qur’an and Acknowledgement of Allah:

    It is interesting that in our sacred book, the Holy Qur’an, a large number of whose verses are meant to strengthen the belief in Allah, reliance has invariably been put on scientific arguments.

    Attributes of Allah

    All-Knowing and All-wise: This is evidenced by the extra-ordinarily marvelous diversity of life and all that exists on the earth and in the heavens.

    Ever-living : Life in the real sense is nothing but a combination of knowledge and power. Allah is All-knowing and All-powerful. Hence He is All-living.

    Divine Unity

    Divine unity is the Infrastructure of all religious Teachings. The question of divine unity has supreme importance in Islam. In one way or the other it forms a part of all Islamic tenets and teachings. Islam rejects every kind of polytheism, dualism and trinity. According to it, Allah is one. He has no components and none is like Him. This stage is known as Unity of Being.

    Unity of Attributes

    A number of qualities like knowledge, power, eternity and ever-existence are attributed to Allah. They all are the very essence of His Being and are in no way separate from Him. He is a Limitless Being and a limitless being can be nothing but a Reality. All His attributes turn to one attribute, viz. limitlessness. This stage is called Unity of Attributes.

    Unity of Worship

    Further, according to the teachings of Islam, only Allah is Adorable. Islam does not allow in any form the worship of anyone or anything else. Neither the sun or the stars nor any human being is adorable, because all things have been created by Him and He has sovereign control over all of them. Hence only He is adorable. This stage is called Unity of Worship.

    Unity of Action

    A careful study of all that happens in the world will show that Allah is the Creator and the real source of all power. If we accomplish any job, it is He who provides the necessary power. In view of this, it may be said that all our actions are accomplished with His help. Nobody has power independent of His power. Absolute and independent power pertains only to him. This is called Unity of Actions.

    Man and Freedom of Will

    Let us discuss the subject of free will a little further.

    We can dearly see that we are not predestined in our actions. We have liberty of action and freedom of will. A simple proof of human volition is that we blame the offenders for their offences. We lodge complaints with the courts against transgressors and ask for their trial and punishment.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    For the same reason *there* is legitimate US currency yet still plenty of counterfeit currency. Does the existence of the counterfeit currency mean there's no legitimate currency? Hardly. That it gets counterfeited is actually pretty good evidence that legitimate currency exists.

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