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Why do conservatives insist that the world would be better off the poor suffered more and the rich had more power?

13 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    You plainly know nothing of conservatism. Except what is spoon fed to you. By the ever enriched elite Liberals that rule you. Think of what you say of us? The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Yet, you also know we are capitalists. Now, I suggest you look up what broke the back of the old Feudal economy system. You do know what that once was yes?? Well, let me explain in short. The rich stay and get richer. The poor remain poor and can get poorer. What broke the back of that economic system??? The capitalists. IE: The ancestors of ours who's children later became our founding fathers. Whom we conservatives strive to match and appreciate today.

    It is the Liberal who strives to bring back Feudalism. In a non monarchist form.

  • 7 years ago

    Right Wingers are among the Laziest Americans...

    They want no regulations so that they can easily game the markets and cut corners on production to make easy money (rather than make better products / services and pay their workers fairly.) They pay off lawmakers to write in tax codes that favor them, so they pay as little taxes as possible, rather than to work more. They also use Government (like Halliburton) to give them contracts for easy money. Many of their minions are right wingers because they are too lazy to understand the world so they need Religion to tell them how to think. They are too lazy to try to understand complicated issues, and would rather embrace simplistic, antagonistic feeling (blaming the victim, egging on minorities) than reasoning (which takes hard mental work for them!)

    Remember some of the original Right Wingers: Plantation owners, which left their black slaves to do most of the work.

    Remember this the next time they go on berating poor / homeless Americans for being lazy.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No conservative asserts any such thing.

    Indeed, DATA shows it is YOUR IDOLS who repeatedly CAUSE what you want us to think you're objecting to.

    Under conservative management, larger shares of total taxation are paid by high-earners and larger shares of total national wealth are found among LOW earners.

    Take a decade where the top 5th got 5% richer and the bottom 5th got 77% richer; where looking at individuals, almost 90% of those starting the decade in the bottom 5th moved up out of it; where about 1/6th of them move to THE TOP 5th; where the tax-share paid by the top 5th INCREASED almost 20% - and you will find #yesEVERYdemocrat still says no such policies as we did then must EVER be repeated.

  • 7 years ago

    Give me proof that any conservative ever said such a thing. Here are some facts for you:

    Conservatives give more to charities than liberals do.

    Conservatives are more likely to volunteer in teir neighborhoods than liberals are.

    Now, crawl back under the rock.

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  • L.N.
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Why do liberals think that job training and working for a living are types of suffering?

  • 7 years ago

    We don't. But I do find it interesting that under your leftist President, the income gap has widened more than ever. Something to think about.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They don't. Those that you call "the poor" often have a govt subsidized house, a car, cable TV and internet. Oh the humanity!!!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The world would be better off if you got off your azz and got a job

  • 7 years ago

    sadie, I don't understand why you said "They don't".

    In the same answer, you seem to claim the poor are too rich.

  • 7 years ago

    They don't. That's as far from true "conservative" ideals as anything I've ever heard stated!

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