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why is it so hard for me to get a job but not for everyone else..?

I've been looking for a job for the longest time now and i have no luck at all. I've applied for so many places and have literally begged people to give me a chance and hire me because i want to work for my own money. I have no crimal record, i don't do drugs, i'm in college.. but yet my friend can apply for a job and get it the next week.. i've been trying for 2 years. I've even called the mayor of my town to get a recomendation on a job and still no luck.. i geuss it just ain't meant to be for me or something. And it's making me extremelly depressed that i can't even get a chance to work for my own money. And it really sucks cause i got college tuition to pay for and all but i have no way of doing it.. i refuse to just sit around and get a check from the government though, i don't believe in that. I want to work for my own money but nobody won't even give me a chance and i don't know why.. anybody know of anthing i could do? Thanks..

7 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    there are temp to perm employment agencies out there and also just temping jobs thru those agencies. Go apply at an agency and have them test you and then accept any job they give you (they'll all be legal jobs) and you'd turn in your time card at the end of the week by a certain time and get paid the next week (probably by automatic check deposit to your bank). What is your college major and was it a 2 or 4 year course of study? People start out, whether they are college bound or received their degree, at places like grocery stores, Walmart, Subway, any retail store (and there were loads of jobs over the holidays), pizza shops, you'd just apply and wait. So if you have a drivers license that's a plus, if you have experience (even volunteer experience somewhere) that counts. But on these starter jobs you don't flount your college degree or you won't get hired. Why? because in those jobs the higher ups (with degrees) are few and you don't start at the top at those places, you start at the bottom and if you're good then you work your way up. You also should not demand a certain wage. Go with the flow, allow them to pay you the going rate. For the degree type jobs you will need references and pull, and usually it's the luck of the draw (like if you get there when they're hiring and they need someone). If you've waited too long to get a job then you can start your own business. Find out what you do best and get a business license and start doing it. There are way too many students graduating and not everyone will get jobs (without pull) immediately. Some places are begging for workers but for some reason people aren't connecting to those. Find out who is hiring and apply there. And, do some volunteer or stipend work so you can get experience. Isn't there a government program where former students can work for not-for-profit agencies and get a stipend so they can pay for their college and some of the time worked goes toward cutting down the cost of what they owe? Find that program and apply.

  • 7 years ago

    First off, begging people to give you a chance is an instant turn-off for them. They think if things go wrong in your job, then that's how you're going to behave. You have to always stay professional.

    Some advice I'd give: rewrite your resume and send it to ten places. If you don't get an interview from any of them, rewrite it again. Repeat the process.

    Read some books or articles about the best things to do in an interview. You must not be coming across the right way. Try different things in different interviews to see which gets the best response.

    Be mindful of what your resume has and what jobs you are applying for. Are you over qualified? Under qualified? Have no prior experience in that industry?

    Other ideas: dress professionally. Come to the interview with at least 3 GOOD questions to ask them. Have knowledge of the place you are applying. Be open to temp jobs or volunteer jobs to get some basic experience. Don't beg or bug or pester. Don't say anything negative about college or jobs or your life. Phrases like "I can't get hired" "I really need a job" "I've been looking for a long time" are big NO's. Don't act like you need them. Act like they need you.

    Source(s): I work in HR
  • 7 years ago

    I'm an accountant with a degree and I have a hard time with the application/interview process. I'm good at my job, but it's hard for me to present that in an interview. I've found most of my really good jobs through employment agencies.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You may be applying to the wrong places,places that are just not for you,or you are not available to the jobs your applying to because of your collage hrs. I thought you said you worked at Applebee's ? You seem to tell different stories here Jeremy,and if you are doing this in things you apply for it will be picked up on by an interviewer,which creates mistrust,in what you say. Decide just what it is you want to do,your collage as well can aid you in finding a job that may suit your needs at this time,and fit along with your collage schedule as well,alot of times their are part time jobs right on campus for students attending collages,and this gives you a resume and can lead to other things.~*

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hmmm well alex has a good point... the economy is bad now.... And...(my take on this). A ton of people apply for the same job as you as well... Ive been jobless for 5-6months now. Looking and no luck. ive applied EVERYWHERE and no calls or interviews for me :(. i have accounts on almost every job website and no luck. Also, its harder to get a job at a younger age. the employer will employ a 18year old over a 16 year old sadly. Something that you can do to increase your chances is to go inside the stores and ask for applications. Also apply for all the positions.

  • 7 years ago

    Honestly, my guess is that you give off a bad vibe. Your written communication skills are poor, so my guess is that your applications are a mess. You also come off as needy, which is a huge problem for employers. There may also be something physically that is a turnoff, appearance, odor, etc.

    If your resume is blank, it's time to volunteer for jobs that expand your worldliness. Your avatar photo looks a bit Hicksville, so volunteer at a VA facility, an animal rescue, or a children's center. This will show that you aren't just a hick, but that you can be reliable and that you have skills.

    Good Luck

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You need to look at how you dress, if you have a lot of tattoos--- cover them, if you have piecings... leave them out, how is your attitude during the interview, if you are as negative as you are in this question it will hurt you. Businesses want to hire people that are positive, up beat and present themselves well to customers.

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