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As a Christian, What Book of the Bible do you suggest that New Christians begin reading after their conversion?

I generally suggest they begin with the Book of John. Also, Why do you suggest that particular Book? I appreciate every answer (no matter what your particular belief.)

Thank You,









There were many great answers and I believe none of the serious answers were wrong at all. I appreciate each and every one of you!









17 Answers

  • Sarah
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The book of James is the meat and bread for all Christians to live by. It is a short book only 5 chapters but very powerful and teaches you so much about how to live. Since you are already a christian you have read and understood Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, Acts 16:33 (this is when Paul baptized the Jailer and all of his family). After reading these scriptures, go back and start reading the 4 Gospels Mathew, Mark, Luke and John because these books teach what a wonderful God we serve and how much he loves us. Bless you in your walk as a Christian and never turn back.

    Some have said to start with Genesis and go through the entire Bible but I think you should know how to be a Christian first. The Old Testament is before Christ and is important but the New Testament is when Jesus was born and his life on earth including this death, burial and Resurrection showing just how much he loves us that he gave his life for us.

  • A path I would recommend to a seeker / not-yet-believer to do, even if you have "read the Bible" before:

    First, read the first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke

    Then read the book of First John

    Then, the book of James

    Then the Gospel of John (the fourth book of The New Testament),

    Then the book of Romans

    Then the book of Ephesians

    This will give any seeker the basics of what any True Christian believes. If the Lord is leading the study, whether the seeker acknowledges the leading or not, there will be some understanding.

    I invite you to visit at:

    if you have any basic questions on the God stuff, feel free to contact me... I would be glad to try too answer them for you

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hi Eds ...

    I agree with you and Matthew (above me). I would recommend the Gospel of John first because it shows the new believer that Jesus is both the Son of God and God too. Then I would suggest the Book of Romans for a firm footing in the faith ... chapter 12 for discipleship teaching.

    After they have their footing, I would suggest reading through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Hopefully they will start to pick up that the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament and give them a better understanding of how God has worked so far to get us to where we are now and a glimpse into the future.

  • 7 years ago

    I think Acts would be a good book to read for new Christians.

    It tells how the church was created and what churches are really to be like.

    Then read John

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The book of Romans......

    its a book you can read and reread. Its like strip mining, The first time through you get the first layer, the second time through you get the next and so on

    It has everything to do with being a Christian

  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Congrulations and welcome to the family of God!

    John is great and also all of Pauls letters. He was writting to new Christians also and takes what we trust and applies is in practical ways. Check out The Message. Paul can be 'heady' but the language of The Message is crystal clear:)

    Read, hear and apply Gods instructions for you. Hearing without doing is meaningless. The more you come to desire Jesus presence and love, the easier it is to see Him working in your life:). He loves you very much. We are His glorious works in progress and He will never leave you or give up on you!

    See you in Heaven:)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I would suggest the book of John and then move onto something like Romans or Acts.

    It will help you understand the love of Jesus Christ. =)

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    In order to understand the Bible completely, It has to be read cover to cover. In other words from Genesis to Revelation. This way your knowledge is not fragmented & you understand the theme of the Bible. This makes sense because no one expects to understand any book unless they have read it cover to cover. How much more God's Word...

  • 7 years ago

    Ecclesiastes for a reality check, but for those not ready for this the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    John, Acts, and then Romans. They address God, the flesh/deity of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and who Jew and Gentile fit together along with the issue of sin.

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