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looking for a support to duo ranked and carry out of bronze?

Hi, my Ign is emredemir562 and I have been playing league fo about 1 year. Basically the title says it all, I'm a pretty good adc looking to get out of bronze with a good support. Just send me a friend request online if ur interested.see you in game!

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago

    How can you be a good ADC if you're in bronze? I've been playing for a few months, haven't even been 30 for long and got to silver 2 after doing my provisionals, which was really unexpected, since I was expecting to be high bronze or low silver, although I did get placed with gold and platinum players sometimes, I just blamed it on the matchmaking being bad.

    Also, how can a support carry you out of bronze? A good support can help win a lane, but only if they have a good ADC to help, after being a main support for a while, I learned when I'll lose a lane and when I'll win it, because sometimes I'll do a play, force the support and ADC out of position and give my ADC a easy double but they just won't bother, or they'll be too far back being defensive it's too late for them to do anything. Which I always hated, I liked the aggressive ADC's that poked given the chance but didn't get too stupid, but playing as Janna even when things go **** up, everything just happens to be fine almost everytime.

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